Yorktown Mud Bridge Repairs May Take Longer Than Expected

Repair Time Contingent on TxDOT Inspection

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – On Monday, December 12, the City initiated an emergency closure of the Yorktown Mud Bridge in the 8600 block of Yorktown Boulevard for repairs to a sinkhole resulting from damage to the bridge's riprap embankment.

City officials had estimated it would take about 30 days to conduct repairs on the bridge's east and west channel banks. In addition, the project included restoring four of the fifty-five columns identified in a 2021 Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) bridge inspection. Out of an abundance of caution, City staff solicited an inspection of the remaining fifty-one columns. The inspection discovered an additional 18 more columns that may also need repair.

"We initially set out to do emergency repairs of the channel banks due to the sinkhole along with some minor (column) repair," said Corpus Christi Public Works Director Ernesto De La Garza. "These recent findings stand to impact the anticipated timeline significantly."

In response to the findings, De La Garza said the City will ask TxDOT to perform a peer inspection of the 18 additional columns. The purpose of the inspection will be to determine if the 18 additional columns are structurally adequate to handle traffic. 

Despite waiting on the results of the TxDOT inspection, De La Garza said the City would continue with the work on the channel banks surrounding the bridge. This will allow repairs on the embankments to be completed in the event the TxDOT supplemental inspection finds the 18 additional columns are structurally adequate for traffic.

"Since safety is our number one priority, our approach to repairs is conservative," De La Garza said. "Our hope is that our collaborative efforts with TxDOT will provide findings as to whether or not our repairs efforts are cost effective as opposed to performing a total bridge replacement."

TxDOT currently has plans to replace the bridge in 2026; however, the City has begun the dialog with TxDOT to expedite the timeline. The estimated cost of the new bridge is $20.3 million.

For more information, media representatives may contact Senior Public Information Officer Richard Vargas at 361-826-3420 or by email at richardv2@cctexas.com.