UPDATED MAP - Wooldridge Road Maintenance Starting Wednesday
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX—Beginning Wednesday, January 29, repaving work will commence on Wooldridge Road from South Staples Street to Dewberry Drive as part of the Street Preventative Maintenance Program (SPMP).
Construction is expected to last three weeks, weather permitting.
During the first phase of the construction, lane closures will begin on the outside lanes of both sides of Wooldridge Road. During the second phase, lane closures will shift to the street’s inside lanes.
Safety is a top priority, so motorists are advised to remain aware of the work zone and follow posted signs.
The City of Corpus Christi is committed to projects that maintain or improve infrastructure for every city resident, business, and visitor.
For more information, media representatives can contact Rachel Esses, Senior Public Information Officer, at 361-826-3884 or by email at rachele@cctexas.com.