Winter Weather City Facility & Operational Closures
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – A winter weather advisory has been issued for inland Nueces County with temperatures forecasted to fall below freezing tonight with possible light drizzle. The City of Corpus Christi will remain closed along with most City offices including City Hall, Development Services, Public Libraries, and Senior Centers on Wednesday, February 17. First responders and Animal Care Services will continue providing services. There are other offices and programs which also have been impacted including:
Municipal Court: Closed. All in-person and virtual hearings scheduled for Wednesday, February 17 are canceled.
Corpus Christi International Airport: The airport terminal will remain open through the duration of the weather event to provide customer service to tenants and travelers who may need assistance. Airport Operations Personnel are actively monitoring weather conditions on the airfield 24 hour a day. Should icy conditions develop on runways or taxiways, Airport managers will take the appropriate measures to maintain safety standards at CCIA. This could include closing taxiways and runways at some point.
Solid Waste: Resume regular schedule Wednesday, February 17, with garbage, recycling, and brush collection in Area 3B.
Open: Cefe Valenzuela Landfill, FM 2444 & County Road 20
Open: J.C. Elliott Collection Center and Transfer Station located at Hwy 286 and Ayers Street.
Health District- Closed Wednesday, February 17.
COVID-19 Call Center- Open; 361-826-7200, Option #2
Al Kruse Tennis Center- Closed Wednesday, February 17.
H-E-B Tennis Center- Regular Hours: 9 a.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Golf Courses – Municipal Golf Centers: Lozano– Open Wednesday, February 17 at 10 a.m. Oso- Closed.
Public Pools (Collier and Corpus Christi Natatorium) – Closed the rest of the week.
Gymnasiums (Ben Garza and CC Gym) – Closed the rest of the week.
Senior Centers & Curbside meals program – Customers registered for curbside pick up will receive frozen meals the rest of the week.
Home Delivered Meals – Meals on Wheels customers have meals for the remainder of the week.
Valentine Trunk or Treat Drive Thru at Salinas Park – Canceled on Saturday, February 13 rescheduled Saturday, February 20
The Emergency Operations Center has been activated and many departments including Public Works, Corpus Christi Police Department, Corpus Christi Fire Department, Utilities, Animal Care Services, Homeless Services and Workforce Housing, and Gas remain in operation to address issues as needed throughout the freezing conditions.
The City’s Customer Call Center has extended its operation to 24 hours a day. Residents can call 361-826-CITY (2489).
Stay up to date, visit and for more information. You also can find updates on City social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.