Weekly Road Closures March 23 - March 29, 2019
New – West Point Road (SPMP)
Beginning Tuesday, March 26; weather permitting, the following traffic control plan will be implemented on West Point Road on a daily basis until the work is complete.
- During construction hours, eastbound and Westbound West Point Road, between Barrera Drive and Angela Drive, traffic will be reduced to one lane in each direction. Flaggers will control traffic around the work zone during construction.
New – Shopping Way (SPMP)
On Wednesday, March 20, the following traffic control plan is implemented at Shopping Way:
- Northbound and southbound Shopping Way, between Staples Street and McArdle Road, will be reduced to one lane for both directions. Flaggers will control traffic around the work zone during construction hours.
- Southbound Staples Street will be reduced to one lane at the Shopping Way intersection during construction hours.
- Westbound McArdle Road will be reduced to one lane at the Shopping Way intersection during construction hours.
New – South Alameda Street 4500 Block (Contractors)
Beginning March 25 – April 2, 2019, at the 4500 Block of South Alameda Street, between Sharon Drive and Sheridan Drive, southbound Alameda Street traffic will be shifted onto the northbound lanes with traffic reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction thru the work zone.
New – 400 Mann Street (Contractors)
Beginning March 25 and for approximately 2 weeks, Contractors will setup a large crane on Chaparral Street. Chaparral Street will be closed to thru traffic from IH-37 to Mann Street. Motorists are asked to follow the detour signs around the work zone.
New – Whitecap Boulevard and Gypsy Street (Contractors)
On Tuesday, March 26 – Wednesday, March 27, 2019, westbound Gypsy Street will be closed at the Whitecap Boulevard intersection. Work is scheduled between 10:00 pm and 10:00 am each day. There will be no left turns permitted onto Gypsy Street from westbound Whitecap Boulevard.
Update – Bevly Drive – Lansdown Street to Holmes Drive (SPMP)
On Thursday, March 21, the following traffic control plan will be implemented:
- Bevly Drive, between Lansdown Street and Holmes Drive, will remain closed to through traffic. Only local residential access will be allowed during the street closure.
Downtown Road and Streetscape Improvements (Project E15098, Bond 2014)
The following closures are implemented at the intersection of Chaparral Street and Kinney Street:
- Kinney Street is closed to thru traffic from South Chaparral Street to Water Street.
- Chaparral Street is closed to thru traffic from Born Street to Kinney Street.
- The Agnes Street access ramp that leads to the intersection of South Chaparral Street and Kinney Street is closed to traffic.
- Motorists will have access to parking lot driveways along Kinney Street.
Update – Cimarron Boulevard (AEP Contractors)
Cimarron Boulevard, between Kodiak Drive and Bison Drive, will be reduced to one lane of traffic until March 29, 2019, weather permitting. Flaggers will be on site to assist motorists through the work area.
Update – Gollihar Road – Kostoryz Road to Weber Road (Project E13088 & E13089, Bond 2014)
Beginning March 22, 2019, and for one week, contractors will shift traffic from left side (north) to right side (south) on new asphalt from Kostoryz Street to Carroll Lane; then split traffic to lay center turn lane. At the end of each day, traffic will be placed back on the left side of Gollihar Road
Gollihar Road – Weber Road to Staples Street (Project E13087, Bond 2014)
Eastbound Gollihar Road traffic is shifted onto the westbound travel lanes between Weber Road and Staples. This section of Gollihar Road traffic is reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction thru the work zone.
Flato Road – Bates Road to Agnes Street (Project E15110, Bond 2014)
The intersection of Flato Road and Bates Road is closed to perform drainage improvements. Thru traffic is not permitted. Local access only will be provided to West Oso High School and businesses along Flato Road and Bates Road. Motorists are advised to follow the detour signs around the work zone.
Saratoga Boulevard and Cimarron Boulevard Intersection (City Contractors)
The following closures are implemented at the intersection of Saratoga Boulevard and Cimarron Boulevard:
- Southbound Cimarron Boulevard will be reduced to one lane through the Saratoga Boulevard intersection.
- Southbound Cimarron Boulevard Left Turn Lane will be closed.
- Northbound Cimarron Boulevard will be reduced to one lane through the Saratoga Boulevard intersection.
- Northbound Cimarron Boulevard Left Turn Lane will be closed.
- Right turns of off Cimarron Boulevard onto Saratoga Boulevard are permitted.
North Beach Area Road Improvements & Area Beautification (E12127/ E12129, Bond 2012)
Traffic is reduced to one lane along North Shoreline Boulevard from Pearl Avenue to Coastal Avenue. The intersections of Breakwater Avenue and Bridgeport Avenue are each closed at North Shoreline Boulevard. Parking for businesses is available along Surfside Boulevard.
Old Robstown Road – Highway 44 to Leopard Street (E13098, Bond 2014)
Old Robstown Road is reduced to one southbound lane of traffic between Up River Road and Highway 44 (Agnes Street). Northbound Old Robstown Road traffic should follow the detour signs around the work zone.
Carrol Lane - Houston Street to McArdle Road (E13097, Bond 2012)
There will be various daily lane closures on Carroll Lane between Houston Street and McArdle Road.
Staples Street - Kostoryz Road to Brawner Parkway (E12095, Bond 2012)
Staples Street northbound traffic, between Texan Trail and Brawner Parkway, is shifted onto the southbound Staples Street. Traffic is reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction thru the work site.
Laguna Shores Road (E00154, IDIQ)
Contractors are working on utility improvements along Laguna Shores Road between Park Road 22 Road and Knickerbocker Street. Laguna Shores is closed to thru traffic between Park Road 22 Road and Knickerbocker Street.
South Alameda Street (Ayers Street to Louisiana Avenue E12091, Bond 2012)
On South Alameda Street, between Ayers Street and Louisiana Avenue, there will be various daily lane closures. Northbound Alameda Street traffic is shifted onto the southbound travel lanes at the Alameda Street and Louisiana Avenue intersection and immediately transitioned back onto the northbound lanes.
Corona Drive – Flynn Parkway to Everhart Road (E13091, Bond 2014)
Corona Drive is reduced to one lane, one-way traffic in the eastbound direction between Flynn Parkway to Everhart Road.
Rodd Field – Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard (E15112, Bond 2014)
On Monday, March 18, 2019Yorktown Boulevard will be closed to traffic between Road A and Geiger Drive. Motorists should follow the detours around the work zone.
There will continue to be various lane closures on Rodd Field Road between Saratoga Boulevard and Yorktown Boulevard.
For a map of the Citywide Active Street Improvement Projects, please visit https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zKe8B7SdnH50i-g6XMMn7rEZUos&usp=sharing