Weekly Road Closures February 15-21
*NEW* North Chaparral Street from Hirsch Street to Harbor Street (E12134 SEA District Pedestrian Improvements)
Contractors will begin driveway and pedestrian improvements and along North Chaparral associated with the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History. Access will be maintained to at least one driveway during construction.
Carroll Lane – McArdle Road to Houston Street (E13097, Bond 2014)
Carroll lane continues as one way southbound between Brawner Parkway and Gollihar Road.
Everhart Road – Holly Road to South Padre Island Drive (18014A, Type B)
Northbound and Southbound traffic will continue as one lane for both directions on the west side (southbound lanes) between Bonner Drive and Holly Road.
Northbound traffic on Everhart Road will be allowed to make left turns at the Holly Road intersection. Left turns from Southbound Everhart Road will still be restricted.
The right turn lane on Holly Road will continue to be closed but right turns onto northbound Everhart Road will still be allowed from the right travel lane.
Flato Road – Bates Road to Agnes Street (E15110, Bond 2014)
Construction progresses on Flato Road as contractors continue working on installing underground utilities along this stretch of road. Flato Road will continue as ONE WAY, southbound only, between Agnes Street and Bates Road. Construction warning signs and detour signs will guide traffic around the closure. Northbound traffic on Flato Road at the Bear Lane intersection will be open to local traffic only.
Bates Road will continue to be closed to all traffic at Flato Road. Traffic needing to travel eastbound on Bates Road to get to Flato Road will continue to follow the detour in place to guide them around the closure. Bates Road, between North Padre Island Drive and Flato Road, will be open to local traffic only.
Frio, Hacala, Dorado St., Corridor – Greenwood to Martin (E 18019A, Bond 2018)
The intersection of Greenwood Drive at Frio Drive is closed. Frio Street is closed from Greenwood Drive to Colorado Drive.
Holly Road – Rodd Field Road to Ennis Joslin Road (Type B)
Traffic is reduced to only one-lane, one-way traffic in the eastbound direction between Rodd Field Road and Ennis Joslin. Contractors will be performing various intermittent closures of streets intersecting Holly Road to install utility and storm water infrastructure.
Morgan Avenue – S. Staples Street to Crosstown Expressway (E12101, Bond 2012) & S. Staples Street to Ocean Drive (E13090, Bond 2014)
Morgan Avenue will be reduced to one lane, one-way traffic (eastbound towards Spohn Shoreline Hospital). Access onto Morgan Avenue, off of Ocean Drive, will be prohibited. Construction may require intermittent daily closures of local residential streets intersecting Morgan Avenue. Motorists are advised to obey warning signs and flaggers which will guide them through the work zone.
Ocean Drive – Robert Drive to Airline Road (Private Development Project, Vargo Plumbing & Utilities, LLC)
Contractors will be performing utility work that will require lane closures and lane shifts along Ocean Drive between Airline Road and Robert Drive.There will also be lane reductions on Airline Road approaching the Ocean Drive intersection. Access to driveways and side streets will be maintained throughout the duration of work.
Opengate Drive – (Residential Street Reconstruction Project (RSRP) – Ortiz Paving)
Opengate Drive is closed between Timbergate Drive and Fox Run Drive.
Rodd Field Road – Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard (E15112, Bond 2014)
Daily closures of Brooke Road, between Rodd Field Road and Quail Run Drive, will be implemented daily between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM Monday through Friday.
Travel lanes along Yorktown Boulevard are opened to allow motorists to travel on both sides of the median. Traffic remains reduced to one lane in each direction along Rodd Field Road. The traffic signal has been turned on to full activation.
Rodd Field Road between Brooke Road and Airline Road/Slough Road remains ONE WAY northbound. Traffic traveling southbound on Rodd Field Road is being detoured onto Saratoga Boulevard to Airline Road. Only local traffic should continue past the intersection of Rodd Field Road and Saratoga Boulevard.
Slough Road – Rodd Field Road to Amethyst (18042A, Type B)
Slough Road between Fred’s Folly Drive and Rodd Field Road is ONE-WAY traffic flow in the westbound direction. Access onto Slough Road is prohibited at the Rodd Field Road intersection.
Residents must use Brooke Road and Ametrine Drive as a detour route to access Slough Road. This one-way traffic flow is expected to last several months.
Staples Street – Kostoryz Road to Brawner Parkway (E12095, Bond 2012)
Northbound and Southbound traffic has been shifted to the east side of Staples Street between Kostoryz Road and Texan Trail. Motorists traveling on Staples Street will continue as two lanes during the traffic switch. Left turns from northbound Staples Street, at the intersection of Kostoryz Road, are still not allowed.
Kostoryz Road, through the Staples Street intersection, is reduced to one lane for each direction.
Breakwater Avenue (Tracker Energy)
Contractors will be conducting utility work which will require a temporary lane closure eastbound on Breakwater Avenue from Avenue F to Seagull Boulevard. Flaggers should be present to direct traffic around the closure.The work is expected to last a month.
South Chaparral Street from Park Avenue to Kinney Street (Utilities)
Ongoing temporary lane closures of the northbound lane from Park Avenue to Kinney Street. Flaggers should be present to guide traffic around the closure. This work is expected to last a month.
Greenwood (TxDOT Emergency Utility Work)
Utility contractors will continue to implement the following lane closures.
Southbound Greenwood Drive: The right lane will be closed starting approximately 600-feet north of the South Padre Island Drive Intersection. Southbound traffic will then shift to the east, into the left turn lane, and continue as one lane through the intersection.
Northbound Greenwood Drive: The center turn lane will be closed starting 600-feet south of the South Padre Island Drive intersection and continue as two lanes through the intersection.
Howard Street (AT&T)
Contractors will continue to implement a one lane closure, westbound, from Culberson Street to Coke Street. Flaggers should be present to direct traffic around the closure.
7963 Sedwick Rd (Strike LLC)
Contractors will continue to implement a temporary lane closure, as needed, to assist with off-site work. Flaggers should be present to direct traffic.