Weekly Road Closures April 6 – 12

New – Intersection of Mesquite Street and IH-37 (Downtown Road and Street Improvement)

Mesquite Street is closed to traffic at the IH-37 intersection until Tuesday, April 9, 2019. In addition, the right turn lane off of IH-37 onto Mesquite Street is closed. Motorists are asked to follow the detour signs around the work zone.

New - Yorktown Boulevard – Thundersee Drive to Bistineau Drive (AEP Contractors)

Westbound Yorktown Boulevard from Bistineau Drive to Thundersee Drive will be reduced to one lane of traffic beginning Monday, April 8, 2019, until the project of replacing street light utility poles is completed.

New – Greenwood Drive and Hemlock Place Intersection (IDIQ)

Residents and businesses are advised the following traffic control plan will be implemented on a daily basis, until the work is complete, weather permitting:

  • During construction hours, Hemlock Place intersection at Greenwood Drive will be closed to all traffic.

  • Northbound Greenwood Drive at Hemlock Place will reduced to one lane. Motorists are asked to follow the detour signs around the work zone. 

New – Seagull Boulevard (Harbor Bridge Project)

Contractors will do utility work on Seagull Boulevard beginning on April 7 thru April 20, 2019; weather permitting.

  • Seagull Boulevard will be closed between Surfboard Avenue and Gulfspray Avenue.
  • Surfboard Avenue and Gulfspray Avenue will be closed to traffic from E. Causeway Boulevard to Seagull Boulevard
  • Surfboard Avenue and Gulfspray Avenue will be closed to thru traffic from Timon Boulevard to Seagull.

Airline Road (SPMP)

Contractors will continue to implement the following traffic control plan on Airline Road on a daily basis until the work is complete.

  • During construction hours, northbound or southbound Airline Road, between South Padre Island Drive and Holly Road, will have various lane closures.
  • Williams Drive:  The right outside lane on eastbound and westbound Williams Street will be closed to traffic.  Motorists will still be permitted to make right turns on Airline Road. 

Update - Yorktown Boulevard – Everhart Intersection (E130196, Bond 2014)

Contractors will change traffic control plans on April 8, 2019 and the only thing that will be affected will be North and South bound Everhart traffic.Traffic will be moved from the eastside of Everhart Road to the westside of Everhart Road opposite of what is there now. There will be no changes to the Yorktown Boulevard traffic pattern.

South Alameda Street 

City Contractors will continue to perform nightly work between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. for up to 7 nights. During this period, the following traffic control plans will be implemented:

Night One

  • S. Alameda Street - Traffic will be shifted to the north side of the roadway at the Everhart Road and Alameda Street intersection. Motorists will be reduced to one lane in each direction.
  •  Everhart Road - Northbound traffic on Everhart Road will be reduced to one lane between Avalon Street and S. Alameda Street.

Night Two - Night Seven

  •  S. Alameda Street - Traffic will be shifted to the north side of the roadway at the Everhart Road and Alameda Street intersection. Motorists will be reduced to one lane in each direction.
  •  Everhart Road – The intersection at S. Alameda Street will be closed to thru traffic along Everhart Road. Motorists traveling northbound on Everhart Road will be detoured onto Avalon Street and Robert Drive to access S. Alameda Street.

Slough Road - (Contractors)

Contractors will continue utility work on Slough Road near Amethyst Drive. As this project is ongoing, Slough Road will be reduced to one lane of traffic and flaggers will be on site to assist motorists through the work zone. 

Bevly Drive – Lansdown Street to Holmes Drive (SPMP)

Bevly Drive, between Lansdown Street and Holmes Drive, will remain closed to through traffic. Only local residential access will be allowed during the street closure.

Update - Downtown Road and Streetscape Improvements (Project E15098, Bond 2014)

  1. Mesquite Street is closed to traffic at the IH-37 intersection until Tuesday, April 9, 2019.  In addition, the right turn lane off of IH-37 onto Mesquite Street is closed.  Motorists are asked to follow the detour signs around the work zone.

  2. The following closures are implemented at the intersection of Chaparral Street and Kinney Street:

  • Kinney Street is closed to thru traffic from South Chaparral Street to Water Street.

  • Chaparral Street is closed to thru traffic from Born Street to Kinney Street.

  • The Agnes Street access ramp that leads to the intersection of South Chaparral Street and Kinney Street is closed to traffic.
  • Motorists will have access to parking lot driveways along Kinney Street

Update Gollihar Road – Kostoryz Road to Weber Road (Project E13088 & E13089, Bond 2014)

Contractors will shift traffic from left side (north) to right side (south) on new asphalt from Kostoryz Road to Carroll Lane, then split traffic to stripe center turn lane.  At end of each day traffic will be placed back on left side of Gollihar Road.  This will continue until the project is complete.

Gollihar Road – Weber Road to Staples Street (Project E13087, Bond 2014)

Eastbound and westbound Gollihar Road traffic will continue as two lanes of traffic in each direction thru the work zone.

Flato Road – Bates Road to Agnes Street (Project E15110, Bond 2014)

The intersection of Flato Road and Bates Road will be open on April 4, 2019.

North Beach Area Road Improvements & Area Beautification (E12127/ E12129, Bond 2012)

Traffic is reduced to one lane along North Shoreline Boulevard from Pearl Avenue to Coastal Avenue. The intersections of Breakwater Avenue and Bridgeport Avenue are each closed at North Shoreline Boulevard. Parking for businesses is available along Surfside Boulevard.

Old Robstown Road – Highway 44 to Leopard Street (E13098, Bond 2014)

Old Robstown Road is reduced to one southbound lane of traffic between Up River Road and Highway 44 (Agnes Street).  Northbound Old Robstown Road traffic should follow the detour signs around the work zone.

Carroll Lane - Houston Street to McArdle Road (E13097, Bond 2012)

There will be various daily lane closures on Carroll Lane between Houston Street and McArdle Road.

Staples Street - Kostoryz Road to Brawner Parkway (E12095, Bond 2012)

Staples Street northbound traffic, between Texan Trail and Brawner Parkway, is shifted onto the southbound Staples Street. Traffic is reduced to one lane of traffic in each direction thru the work site.

Laguna Shores Road (E00154, IDIQ)

Contractors are working on utility improvements along Laguna Shores Road between Park Road 22 Road and Knickerbocker Street.  Laguna Shores Road is closed to thru traffic between Park Road 22 Road and Knickerbocker Street.

South Alameda Street (Ayers Street to Louisiana Avenue E12091, Bond 2012)

South Alameda Street, between Ayers Street and Louisiana Avenue, there will be various daily lane closures. 

Corona Drive – Flynn Parkway to Everhart Road (E13091, Bond 2014)

Corona Drive is reduced to one lane, one-way traffic in the eastbound direction between Flynn Parkway to Everhart Road.

Rodd Field – Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard (E15112, Bond 2014)

Yorktown Boulevard will be closed to traffic between Road A and Geiger Drive. Motorists should follow the detours around the work zone. There will continue to be various lane closures on Rodd Field Road between Saratoga Boulevard and Yorktown Boulevard.

Street Preventive Maintenance Program (SPMP) / Residential Street Rebuild Project (RSRP)

The following Streets are being repaired as part of the City’s Street Preventative Maintenance Program or Residential Street Rebuild Project programs. Motorists are encouraged to be aware of the ongoing construction at these locations:


  • North Carancahua Street – Lipan Street to Coopers Alley
  • Cimarron Boulevard – Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard
  • Doddridge Street – Ocean Drive to Santa Fe Street
  • First National Drive – South Padre Island Drive to Compton Road
  • Flour Bluff Drive – Glenoak Drive to Purdue Road
  • Glasgow Drive – Timbergate Drive to Ridge Stone Drive
  • Louisiana Street – Santa Fe Street to Ocean Drive
  • Robert Drive – Alameda Street to Junior Terrace
  • Rodd Field Road – South Padre Island Drive to McArdle Road


  • Acacia Drive – Mueller Street to Interstate Highway 37

  • Alameda Street-Rio Vista Drive – Waverly Drive to Alameda Street

  • Bevly Drive – Dead End Street to Lansdown Drive

  • Bois D Arc Place – Greenwood Drive to Black Jack Place

  • Fleet Avenue – Beechcraft Avenue to Ryan Street

  • Harriett Drive – Prescott Street to Vestal Street

  • Lake Tahoe Drive – Sun Valley Drive to Snowbird Drive

  • Lancaster Drive – Leopard Street to Mueller Street

  • Moravian Drive – McArdle Road to South Padre Island Drive

  • Leigh Drive – Villa Drive to Breckenridge Drive

  • O’Hara Drive – McAlpin Drive to West Shea Parkway

  • Snowbird Drive - Lake Tahoe Drive to Sun Valley Drive

  • Yukon Drive – Jordan Drive to Brazos Drive

  • Zaragoza Street – Guatemozin Street to Airport Road

For a map of the Citywide Active Street Improvement Projects, please visit https://drive.google.com/open?id=1zKe8B7SdnH50i-g6XMMn7rEZUos&usp=sharing