Weekly Road Closures April 11-17

The Weekly Road Closures includes locations of road construction and events where lane and street closures affect traffic flow along the City’s major streets and lanes. All closures are subject to change due to weather, emergency work, or other circumstances. The road closures for this coming week are as follows:


Ayers Street Pedestrian Improvement and Turn Lane – SPID to Gollihar Rd (E15106, Bond 2014)

Northbound Ayers Street is closed at the Crosstown/SPID Interchange (frontage road) intersection. Thru traffic is encouraged to seek alternate routes to access businesses in the area.  Ayers Street is also reduced to one-lane, ONE-WAY traffic from Gollihar Road to McArdle Road (southbound direction only).

Additionally, RTA bus stops will be closed from Gollihar Road to SPID. Bus stops will remain open in the area of Port Ave and Ayers Street.

A list of all traffic changes are included below:

  • Johanna Street to Crosstown/SPID Interchange (Northbound)– The outside thru lane on Ayers Street will be closed approaching the Crosstown/SPID interchange. This lane closure will continue through the underpass of SPID. This closure will not impact access to the eastbound frontage road.
  • Johanna Street to Crosstown/SPID Interchange (Southbound) - The left turn lane and median openings will be closed.
  • Crosstown/SPID Interchange & Ayers Street Intersection (Northbound) – Northbound Ayers Street will be CLOSED at the Crosstown/SPID Interchange intersection. Motorists must use alternate detour routes such as the SH 286 northbound frontage road, Gollihar Road, Kostoryz Road, or McArdle Road to access local businesses.
  • Crosstown/SPID Interchange to McArdle Road – Ayers Street is CLOSED at McArdle Road to northbound thru traffic only. Thru traffic is required to follow the McArdle Road detour and avoid local and residential side streets. Travel lanes are reduced to one lane, in both the north and south directions, to provide access to local businesses in the area. 
  • McArdle Road to Gollihar Road (Southbound)- Ayers Street will be reduced to one lane, one-way traffic flow in the southbound direction only. Access to all local businesses is provided.
  • Ayers Street and Gollihar Road Intersection – The outside thru lane on Ayers Street, in the southbound direction only, will be closed approaching the Gollihar Road intersection.  
  • SH 358 Frontage Road (Eastbound) – The shared thru left turn lane will be closed.

Buford Street – McArdle Road to Houston Street (City IDIQ No. 18146A, IPR South Central)

Contractors are performing lane closures between 3rd street and S. Water Street.

Carroll Lane – McArdle Road to Houston Street (E13097, Bond 2014)

Carroll Lane is reduced to one-lane of travel, in the southbound direction, between Brawner Parkway and Gollihar Road.

Everhart Road – Holly Road to South Padre Island Drive (18014A, Type B)

Northbound and Southbound traffic will continue as one lane for both directions on the west side (southbound lanes) between Curtis Clark Drive and Holly Road.

Northbound traffic on Everhart Road will be allowed to make left turns at the Holly Road intersection. Left turns from Southbound Everhart Road are restricted.

The right turn lane on Holly Road is closed, but right turns onto northbound Everhart Road will still be allowed from the right travel lane.   

Flato Road – Bates Road to Agnes Street (E15110, Bond 2014)

Flato Road is reduced to one-lane, one-way traffic flow, in the southbound direction between Agnes Street and Bates Road.

Frio, Hacala, Dorado St., Corridor – Greenwood to Martin (E 18019A, Bond 2018)

Frio Street is closed from Rio Grande Drive/Kentucky Derby Drive to Mission Drive.

Holly Road – Rodd Field Road to Ennis Joslin Road (Type B)

Holly Road is reduced to only one-lane, one-way traffic flow, in the eastbound direction between Rodd Field Road and Ennis Joslin. There is a temporary closure of Holly Road from Ennis Joslin Road to Halcon Street.  Motorists traveling eastbound along Holly Road will be detoured northbound or southbound onto Ennis Joslin Road. Two-way traffic will be maintained between Halcon Street and Paul Jones to allow local access to neighborhoods in the area.

Leopard Street – Wandering Creek Drive to Cliff Crenshaw Street (City IDIQ No. 18100A, Max Underground Construction)

Leopard Street is reduced to one-lane, in the eastbound direction, between Wandering Creek Drive and Cliff Crenshaw Street to perform stormwater improvements. 

Morgan Avenue – S. Staples Street to Crosstown Expressway (E12101, Bond 2012) & S. Staples Street to Ocean Drive (E13090, Bond 2014)

Morgan Avenue is reduced to one lane, one-way traffic flow (eastbound towards Spohn Shoreline Hospital). Access onto Morgan Avenue, off of Ocean Drive, will be prohibited. Construction may require intermittent daily closures of local residential streets intersecting Morgan Avenue. Motorists are advised to obey warning signs and flaggers which will guide them through the work zone.

Newport Pass Road & Zahn Road (H17013 North Padre Island Beach Access Roads, Bond 2014)

Newport Pass Road has been closed to perform pavement improvements since March 30. This closure is expected to last 12 weeks from that date.

North Chaparral Street from Hirsch Street to Harbor Street (E12134 SEA District Pedestrian Improvements)

Contractors are performing pedestrian improvements along Brewster Street. During this time, Brewster Street will be closed between N. Broadway Street and Chaparral Street.

Contractors will continue pedestrian improvements along North Chaparral north of Hirsch Street. The southbound lane is closed between the traffic circle and Hirsch Street.

Peoples Street and Schatzell Street (IDIQ, IPR South Central)

A City Contractor is performing utility work along Peoples Street between Mesquite Street and Chaparral Street. Work is also being performed along Mesquite Street between Peoples Street and Schatzell Street.

This work will require the following closures:

  • Peoples Street - Between Mesquite Street and Chaparral Street;
  • Mesquite Street - Between Schatzell Street and Peoples Street;
  • The intersection at Peoples Street and Mesquite Street;
  • The intersection of Schatzell Street and Mesquite Street.

Rodd Field Road – Saratoga Boulevard to Yorktown Boulevard (E15112, Bond 2014)

Beginning Tuesday, April 14, Contractors will need to perform a daytime closure of the intersection of Mansions Drive at Rodd Field Road. This closure is required to install utilities and is expected to last two days.

Rodd Field Road between Brooke Road and Airline Road/Slough Road remains ONE WAY northbound. Traffic traveling southbound on Rodd Field Road is being detoured onto Saratoga Boulevard to Airline Road. Only local traffic should continue past the intersection of Rodd Field Road and Saratoga Boulevard.

Travel lanes along Yorktown Boulevard are opened to allow motorists to travel on both sides of the median.

Slough Road – Rodd Field Road to Amethyst (18042A, Type B)

Slough Road between Ametrine Drive and Rodd Field Road is ONE-WAY traffic flow in the westbound direction. Access onto Slough Road is prohibited at the Rodd Field Road intersection.

Residents must use Brooke Road and Ametrine Drive as a detour route to access Slough Road.


Airline Road (BBG Services)

Beginning Monday, April 13 there will be sidewalk closures at 2626 Airline Road to install driveways. Closures are expected to last two days.

Howard Street & Mexico Street Intersection (Bartek Construction)

The intersection of Howard Street at Mexico Street is closed to install underground utilities.

Greenwood (TxDOT Emergency Utility Work)

Utility contractors will continue to implement the following lane closures:

Southbound Greenwood Drive: The right lane will be closed starting approximately 600-feet north of the South Padre Island Drive Intersection. Southbound traffic will then shift to the east, into the left turn lane, and continue as one lane through the intersection.

Northbound Greenwood Drive: The center turn lane will be closed starting 600-feet south of the South Padre Island Drive intersection and continue as two lanes through the intersection.

Greenwood (AEP)

Beginning Monday, April 13 utility contractors will implement daily closures of the southbound right lane and adjacent sidewalk area between Holly Road and Greenwood Drive. The maximum work zone will be 1000-ft. These closures are expected to last 7 days.

7963 Sedwick Rd (Strike LLC)

Contractors will continue to implement a temporary lane closure, as needed, to assist with off-site work. Flaggers should be present to direct traffic.

Staples Street (AEP)

Both southbound lanes will be closed between Weber Road/Doddridge Street and Hamlin Drive. Southbound traffic will be shifted to the center turn lane.

Between Hamlin Drive and Barracuda Place, Contractors will perform daily closures of the outside southbound lane. 

Motorists are advised to follow work zone signage to guide them through the closures.

Staples Street (BBG Services)

Beginning Monday, April 13 there will be a sidewalk closure at 4923 S. Staples Street to perform a utility installation. Closures are expected to last two days.