Watergarden Operations Modified Following Stage 3 Drought Declaration

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi remains committed to conserving water during the current Stage 3 Drought Declaration while ensuring the long-term preservation of critical infrastructure. As part of these efforts, the Watergarden has been operating at a reduced capacity by running only one of five pumps at a time. This adjustment minimizes water use and significantly reduces overall water consumption without compromising the system’s integrity.

The current plan to keep the Watergarden operational at reduced capacity is based on two key factors:

  1. Warranty Management: The Watergarden remains under warranty until April 2025. Continued operation ensures that the City can identify and address potential issues, work through system deficiencies, and complete necessary testing before the warranty expires.
  2. System Integrity: A complete shutdown can lead to damage to system components. Running the Watergarden at reduced capacity protects the infrastructure from deterioration while conserving water.

Additionally, the current Drought Contingency Plan allows for water fountains to operate to maintain equipment.  To further combat water loss, the City will apply a liquid solar blanket, a water treatment product that reduces evaporation by 30% to 50%.  The Watergarden is a recirculating system, and water is added only when it drops below operational levels as a result of water evaporation.

The City of Corpus Christi will continue to monitor drought conditions closely and adjust operations as needed to comply with conservation goals. We appreciate the public’s understanding and support as we work together to navigate these challenges.

 For media inquiries, contact Robert Gonzales, Public Information Manager, at (361) 826-3233 or robertg8@cctexas.com