Water Releases from Lake Corpus Christi Begin Today

Nueces River Residents are Encouraged to Prepare for Potential Flooding

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Water releases from Lake Corpus Christi will begin today with minimal flooding expected along the Nueces River during the next 18-24 hours. Lake Corpus Christi remains at 100% with additional water entering the Lake from rainfall occurring within the watershed. Residents along the Nueces River downstream from the Wesley Seale Dam are encouraged to prepare for potential flooding. 

City Officials continue to monitor the inflows to Lake Corpus Christi very closely and will only release water as necessary to maintain the integrity of the dam. At that time, the City will open one flood gate which will result in higher river levels. Water releases will be stopped as soon as water entering the lake has stabilized. 

Stay up to date on the latest conditions, by registering for emergency alerts at www.reversealert.org.

For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Manager DeAnna McQueen at 361-443-1427 or by email at deannam@cctexas.com.