UPDATED City Streets Have Improved Over Last Three Years

New Public Works Director to Implement Additional Improvement Methods

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today's regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Public Works Director Ernesto De La Garza told Mayor Paulette Guajardo and City Council that a recent assessment shows road conditions have improved throughout the City over the past three years.

An independent assessment stated that streets within the City scored nine points higher on the Pavement Condition Index, moving from 54 in 2019 to 65 this year. This year's score moves the City's roadway network in line with the average score for cities throughout the state.

De La Garza said the assessment results are part of a planning tool for infrastructure asset management that uses a pavement condition survey vehicle. The vehicle identifies stresses in the pavement and uses that data to determine which streets need to be further investigated for repairs.

De La Garza shared that more assessments are needed to test the actual condition of the roads.  He also plans to add further evaluations to improve the City's road conditions. Those assessments will include soil investigations using online databases, on-site material testing, and using a dynamic cone penetrometer to test the stability of a road's base.

For more information, media representatives may contact Senior Public Information Officer Richard Vargas at 361-826-3420 or by email at richardv2@cctexas.com.