UPDATE - Health District to Offer Covid-19 Vaccinations Next Week
Both Moderna and Pfizer Vaccines Available
April 23, 2021

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Corpus Christi - Nueces County Public Health District will provide several opportunities for individuals to receive their first or second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines next week. Both vaccines will be available daily at La Palmera Mall during regular mall hours. The Moderna vaccine will be available at the Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds on Tuesday, April 27, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.and Wednesday, April 28 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Things to know:
- The Pfizer vaccine is available for those 16 years of age and older.
- The Moderna vaccine is available for anyone 18 years of age and older.
- Patrons can pre-register by calling 361-561-1101.
- To pre-register online, visit https://www.cctexas.com/vaccineregistration and click on the “Vaccination Registration” link. During online pre-registration, you must receive a Quick Response (QR) code. Once the online pre-registration limit is reached, you will not be able to register until additional vaccines become available.
- Walk-ins are welcome on a first-come, first-serve basis.
- New registrations will open upon vaccine availability for future clinics.
- Vaccines of different brands should not be mixed. If you received Moderna vaccine for your first dose, you should receive Moderna vaccine for your second dose.
- If you registered for the first dose, you do not need to register again for the second dose.
Visit www.cctexas.com/coronavirus and www.nuecesknows.com for more information. You can also find updates on city social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.