TxDOT to Temporarily Close Lanes on Harbor Bridge

Multiple Daytime Lane Closures to Begin December 5

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) will begin multiple daytime lane closures of U.S. 181 on Monday, December 5, as part of a regularly scheduled safety inspection of the Harbor Bridge.

All lanes traveling in the opposite direction of the closures will be open to traffic.

The closures, which are scheduled each day from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., are:

  • December 5 to 9 

Monday and Tuesday (December 5 and 6) – Center, right lanes of US 181 southbound 

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (December 7 to 9) - Center, right lanes of US 181 northbound

  • December 12 to 16

Monday (December 12) – Center and right lanes of US 181 northbound

Tuesday, Wednesday (Dec. 13, 14) – Center and right lanes of US 181 southbound

Thursday (December 15) – Clean-up day. Any lane closures will be determined and announced by December 12

Friday (December 16) – Weather makeup day, if needed. 

No work is scheduled for the weekend of December 10 and 11. All lanes will be open.

TxDOT urges motorists to consider alternate routes, expect delays, and allow extra travel time, follow all traffic control devices, and slow down in the work zone.

For more information, contact Rickey.Dailey@TxDOT.gov or (361) 808-2544.