The City of Corpus Christi’s New Mill and Overlay Program Gives Residential Street Needed Repair
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi Public Works Department recently completed improvements through their new in-house Mill and Overlay program on Glendale Drive located in City Council District 2. The road received a pavement condition index rating of zero out of a possible 100 points and needed immediate attention.
District 2 Council Member Ben Molina said, “By using in-house crews, we have been able to repair this residential street in a cost-effective and timely manner, and I’m looking forward to seeing even more streets getting repaired soon.”
This residential area’s condition serves as an example of why the City began purchasing new equipment and retraining staff for road maintenance projects. The less than a quarter-mile Glendale Drive was first constructed in the 1940s. After decades of use, it developed many imperfections like base and pavement failures and several potholes.
In the past, Street Crews simply patched these areas. However, thanks to the City Public Works Department’s updated overlay improvement system, the well-traveled road received a newly paved asphalt surface.
Work began on Monday, October 6 and improvements were completed within two weeks. This streamlined way of street repair strengthens the pavement structure, and the completed product gives the neighborhood a fresh look.
To submit a work order for repair or to report potholes, please call the City at 361-826-2489. Stay up to date with construction projects by visiting or by following us on our Facebook or Twitter page.