Texas Warrant Resolution Month Kicks off Today
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Beginning today, the City’s Municipal Court kicks off Warrant Resolution Month. This is a time set aside for individuals to resolve disregarded or failed traffic citations, code enforcement violations and misdemeanor warrants remotely without having to appear in person.
Due to COVID-19, the Municipal Court encourages everyone resolve their warrants by phone, email or online through the City’s website.
Clients can call (361) 826-2500 or email MCMail@cctexas.com to resolve active warrants.
- If you need to speak with a judge regarding alternative methods to resolve your case, you will be scheduled for a virtual hearing.
- If clients need a payment plan, call (361) 826-2500 or email at MCMail@cctexas.com .
To pay online visit https://www.cctexas.com/services/general-government/warrants.
To pay by phone call 1 (866) 299-7084.
For more information media representatives can contact Public Information Officer Chelsea Torres at 361-826-3234 or by email at chelseaT2@cctexas.com.
For the latest information visit www.cctexas.com/warrantresolutionmonth. You can also find updates on City social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.