Tentative City Mosquito Spraying Schedule
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - Corpus Christi Vector Control will begin spraying for adult mosquitos.
Spray routes are determined after checking mosquitos traps and those areas with the highest concentration of mosquitos will be targeted first.
Tentative Spray Route Schedule:
Monday May 20th – Routes 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 (Flour Bluff and Padre Island)
Tuesday May 21st – Routes 23, 24, 25, 26 (Area East of Airline Road, Area South of Saratoga Blvd and East of Staples St)
Wednesday May 22nd – Routes 1, 2, 3, 4, 11 (Calallen/Annaville and Downtown/North Beach)
After any significant rainfall it is important for the public to remember their role in the effective control of mosquitoes. There are a number of different mosquitos species, some being active at night and others during the day. Aside from standing water, tall grass is a popular breeding area for many species of mosquitos, so please keep your grass and vegetation trimmed closely.
We need to keep repeating the “Five D’s” message of mosquito control which is:
- DEET -- Use insect repellant containing DEET.
- DRESS -- Dress in long sleeves and long pants when you are outside during heavy infestation.
- DAWN, DAYTIME and DUSK -- Stay indoors at dusk and dawn when most mosquito species are active.
- DRAIN -- Drain standing water in containers like old tires, flower pots, and clogged rain gutters.
- DOCTOR – Consult a physician if you feel sick after being bitten.