Swearing-In Scheduled for Newly Elected Mayor & City Council Members
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - City Secretary Rebecca L. Huerta announces the following schedule of events on Tuesday, January 12, 2021, related to the swearing-in of the following newly elected members of the Corpus Christi City Council:
- Paulette Guajardo - Mayor
- Michael Hunter - At-Large
- John Martinez - At-Large
- Mike Pusley - At-Large
- Billy Lerma - District 1
- Ben Molina - District 2
- Roland Barrera - District 3
- Greg Smith - District 4
- Gil Hernandez - District 5
Farewell Ceremony – Outgoing City Council Members
9:30 a.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St.
Swearing-in – Newly Elected City Council Members
10:00 a.m., Council Chambers, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St.
Due to COVID-19, the Council Chambers at City Hall are closed to the general public. Meetings may be viewed live via one of the following:
Television: Spectrum Channel 1300
Grande Channel 20 or AT&T Uverse Channel 99
Internet: www.cctexas.com/cctv
YouTube: CCTVCorpusChristi
Facebook: @citygov
A regular City Council meeting follows at 11:30 a.m. in Council Chambers, City Hall, 1201 Leopard St.
For more information, contact the City Secretary’s Office at (361) 826-3105 or visit us online at www.cctexas.com/departments/city-secretary.