Summer Games of Texas 2021 to Begin This Week

Sporting events begin July 29 through August 1

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – From Thursday, July 29, through Sunday, August 1, athletes and spectators will gather to participate in the various sporting events being held for the Summer Games of Texas 2021.

The Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) is the organization the City has partnered with to bring the Summer Games of Texas 2021 to Corpus Christi. TAAF is encouraging officials, athletes (when not competing), and spectators to wear face coverings. Further safety measures throughout the sporting events will include encouraging athletes to limit their guests to two attendees during their respective competition. In addition, frequent hand sanitizing and social distancing will be promoted. 

The Games of Texas features a series of sporting events for athletes to compete in and continue onto national level competition. The Games feature thirteen various sports, including Baseball, Boxing, Beach Volleyball, Disc Golf, Flag Football, Golf, Pickleball, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track & Field, and Water Polo.

For a full schedule of the sporting events, including locations, dates, and times, please visit

For more information about the games, go to For visitor information, call toll free 1-800-766-2322 or go to Visit Corpus Christi.