Senior Companions Join Nation in Volunteer Action for MLK Day of Service
Photo Opportunity on January 22
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Corpus Christi Senior Companions will join hundreds of thousands of volunteers across America to commemorate the 25th annual MLK Day of Service by delivering Meals On Wheels to local seniors on Wednesday, January 22, at 11 am. Volunteers will depart from the Nutrition Education Service Center, 4101 Old Brownsville Road.
On this day, our volunteers will answer Dr. King’s call to serve and will be making a difference in the lives of Corpus Christi residents,” said Jeannine Leal, the Program Director of the Senior Companion Program. “As a resourceful way to meet local needs, volunteer service is a powerful and valuable force that builds strong communities. We are putting the core American principles of citizenship and service into action.”
Dr. King said, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’” MLK Day of Service encourages all Americans to improve communities through volunteer service. 2020 will mark the 25th celebration of the annual service event since Congress designated the MLK holiday the first ever National Day of Service and charged Corporation for National and Community Service with leading this effort.
With an emphasis on creating opportunity for all, Americans of all ages and backgrounds in all 50 states will re-commit themselves as citizens by volunteering in service to one another.
The Senior Companion Program is now seeking 15 new volunteers. Senior Companions are volunteers age 55 and older who make a difference in our local community by providing assistance and friendship to adults who have difficulty with daily living tasks. This service helps individuals remain independent in their homes. The companions give families or professional caregivers much needed time off from their duties to run errands, and often provide friendship for their clients. To learn more about the Senior Companion Program, visit our website, or contact SCP Director Jeannine Leal at (361) 826-3154.
About Corporation for National and Community Service
A federal agency that engages millions of Americans in service through its AmeriCorps and Senior Corps programs and leads the nation’s volunteer efforts. For more information, visit