Reliant Opens Hybrid “Beat the Heat” Centers in Corpus Christi

Residents Can Visit Cooling Centers or Pick Up Materials to Enjoy at Home

What:   Beat The Heat Media Advisory        

When: Monday, June 21, at 11 a.m.


3135 Swantner Street, 78404

Who:   Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo

Council Member Billy Lerma, District 1, City of Corpus Christi

Council Member Ben Molina, District 2, City of Corpus Christi

Rolando Salinas, Senior Marketing Manager, Reliant

Lisa Oliver, Interim Assistant Director Parks & Recreation, City of Corpus Christi  Director of Development Services

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – For the 12th year in a row, Reliant’s Beat the Heat Centers will provide a safe way for Corpus Christi-area residents to stay cool during the hottest days of summer. This year, Reliant is working with the City of Corpus Christi to offer in-person cooling centers, where residents can rest and cool off, as well as curbside pick-up stations for snacks, activities, and tools to help them keep cool in their homes. Reliant is also donating 100 Artic Air portable coolers to community center seniors to keep cool in their homes.

Media are invited to attend the opening celebration on Monday, June 21 at 11:00 a.m., celebrating the first day of summer.  As summer officially begins, the Reliant Beat the Heat centers will provide an important resource to the community for the hot months to come.

Beat the Heat locations include:

•           Broadmoor Senior Center, 1651 Tarlton Dr.

•           Lindale Senior Center, 3135 Swantner St.

•           Oveal Williams Senior Center, 1414 Martin Luther King Dr.

Community members will have access to air-conditioned rooms, water, snacks, and activities within the cooling centers, and those who prefer to stay cool at home will receive games, arts and crafts, and indoor fitness activities as well as cooling devices, like Arctic Air portable coolers, paper fans, visors, water bottles, sunglasses, and hats to help battle the summer heat.

In addition to the cooling centers and at-home alternatives, Reliant will provide energy efficiency tips to help residents save energy during the summer and share information on the CARE (Community Assistance by Reliant Energy) program for those in need. Since 2002, Reliant has provided over $12 million in bill payment assistance through the CARE program, which works with nonprofit social service agencies across the state to provide qualified Reliant customers with financial support designed to help supplement what customers are able to pay.