City and Firefighter Union Officers to Sign Collective Bargaining Agreement

Media Advisory

What:   Signing Ceremony for Firefighters Collective Bargaining Agreement

When: Tuesday, August 13, at approximately 2:00 p.m.           

Where: City Hall Council Chambers

             1201 Leopard Street, 78401          

Who:   Peter Zanoni, City Manager

            Michael Rodriguez, Deputy City Manager

            Johnny Stobbs, Corpus Christi Professional Firefighters Association

            Rebecca Huerta, City Secretary   

            Gabriel A. Rodriguez, City Legal       

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX—The City of Corpus Christi and the Corpus Christi Professional Firefighters Association have reached a new four-year Collective Bargaining Agreement. City and Firefighters Association officials will sign the agreement at Tuesday's City Council meeting immediately following a Council vote on the agreement.

The signing ceremony can be viewed on the following City social media channels:

For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or