Everhart Road Project to Transition to Phase 2
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX— The Everhart Road reconstruction project will transition to Phase 2 on Monday, June 17. This next phase includes closing the northbound lanes of Everhart Road from South Alameda Street to Jacquelyn Drive. Traffic will be redirected to the southbound lanes, allowing two-way single-lane traffic. Left turns will not be permitted when traveling southbound on Alameda Street at the Everhart Road intersection.
The map below shows the road work area and traffic flow adjustments.
Safety remains a top priority, and motorists are advised to use alternative routes to avoid delays, remain aware of the work zone, and follow posted signs.
For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Officer Chloe Swan Rybalka at 361-826-3528 or chloes2@cctexas.com.