City Seeking Community Feedback on Sales Tax Reauthorization

Survey Open Now Through June 23

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - The City of Corpus Christi’s Office of Economic Development is conducting a public survey to help identify potential uses of sales tax that are supported by the community. The survey is now open and will close on Sunday, June 23.

In 2000, voters approved the use of sales tax for two projects: the construction of the Arena at the American Bank Center and improvements to the Downtown Seawall. These projects are now complete, and the City is working to develop new projects that will use the existing sales tax.  The new projects and a reauthorization of the sales tax will be on the November 5 ballot for voters’ consideration. The survey will collect valuable information from the community to be utilized when developing eligible projects.

Residents are encouraged to participate in the survey and share their feedback to help shape Corpus Christi's future.

To complete the survey, please visit:

English survey-

Spanish survey-

For more information about the reauthorization of the Sales Tax in Corpus Christi, please visit:

For media inquiries, contact Public Information Officer Cassandra Hinojosa at 361-826-2944 or