Final Litter Critter of the Year Scheduled for W.B. Ray High School
Free Event Takes Place December 9
December 05, 2023
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City's final litter critter of the year will take place on Saturday, December 9, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the W.B. Ray High School parking lot, located at 1002 Texan Trail.
Residents should prepare to offload their own items; commercial hauling is not permitted.
Items accepted include:
- Heavy brush
- Bulky items
- Household trash
- Tires (Up to 4 maximum, 20 inches or less)
- Metal items and appliances
For more information, residents should refer to the City’s Solid Waste Department website at

Media representatives requesting additional information may contact Public Information Officer Brianna Sandoval at 361-826-1655 or email