Gulf Tropical Activity Forecasted to Bring Rain to the Area Next Week

Drought Restrictions Continue

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The National Hurricane Center is monitoring an area of disturbed weather located over the southeast Bahamas that is expected to move into the Gulf of Mexico early next week. This system could possibly bring much-needed rainfall, increase the risk of rip currents, increase above-normal tide levels, and increase swells along Gulf beaches.

The City of Corpus Christi is actively monitoring weather conditions and has response measures in place to respond to community needs.

Corpus Christi Water (CCW) has indicated that the anticipated rain is not expected to replenish our regional water supply. Stage 1 Water Restrictions will remain in effect until substantial rain in our watershed. This includes the Frio River Watershed and the Nueces River Basin, both located north and west of Corpus Christi.

Currently, the combined storage levels of Lake Corpus Christi and Choke Canyon Reservoir are at 36.6%. The levels were 40.2% one month ago and 36.6% one year ago. The combined capacity must reach 50% before lifting Stage 1 water restrictions.

Corpus Christi Water (CCW) is continuing to provide residents with helpful information about water conservation. Information about how to save water in your home is available at Conserve water, today and every day, for tomorrow.

For media inquiries, contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or