TxDOT to Restripe Power Street and Padre Street for One-Way-Only Travel Near Harbor Bridge Exits
Temporary Street Closures Scheduled from March 8 to March 10
March 08, 2023
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – In its continuing effort to deter wrong-way drivers at southbound exit ramps on the Harbor Bridge, the Texas Department of Transportation will reconfigure sections of Power and Padre streets into single-lane, one-way roads starting Wednesday, March 8 at 9:00 a.m.
The work, scheduled to occur between 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from March 8 to March 10, will include the following:
Power Street Exit:
- Convert Power Street to a single-lane, one-way road from the Harbor Bridge exit to Tancahua Street.
- Crosshatch pavement and install delineator posts to indicate Power Street is a single-lane, one-way road beginning at the intersection with Tancahua Street.
- Add “Do Not Enter” signage at the intersection of Power Street and Tancahua Street.
- Replace existing “Do Not Enter” signage with “Wrong Way” signs on Power Street.
- Refresh existing red reflective pavement arrows on the exit.
- Install “Do Not Enter” pavement lettering on Power Street at the Tancahua Street intersection.
- Install signs indicating “No Turn” onto Power Street from Tancahua Street.
Padre Street:
- Add pavement striping to convert Padre Street to a single-lane, one-way road from the US 181 southbound exit west to the Tancahua/Ramirez streets intersection.
- Reduce northbound Caranchua Street to a single-lane, one-way road approaching Padre Street.
- Add pavement striping to prevent a right turn from the Padre Street exit to Tancahua Street.
The work is scheduled to be completed by Friday, March 10, when the Power Street exit will be reopened. Law enforcement will enhance patrols in the area as motorists adjust to the new traffic patterns.
For more information, contact Rickey.Dailey@TxDOT.gov or (361) 808-2544.