No Cost Vaccinations and Boosters Available Throughout the City
Taking Place from February 25 to February 28

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Multiple locations remain available next week for COVID-19 vaccines and booster shots, including the new Pfizer and Moderna Bivalent Booster Doses.
Vaccinations and booster shots are free at all City-County Public Health District clinics. Children aged six months to 17 years must have verbal or written parental consent to receive a Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
Starting Wednesday, March 1, the La Palmera COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic will relocate to the Corpus Christi-Nueces County Public Health District. Residents can walk in or call and set up a drive-thru appointment. Re-locating the vaccine clinic to the main CCNCPHD building will allow a refocus of our public health strategy by promoting complete series of vaccinations through satellite vaccine clinics with any Nueces County employer, organization, business, non-profit, or group.
For information on vaccine and booster shot protocols, visit or call the Health Department at 361-826-7200.