Feeder Road Along SPID from Clare Drive to Prince Drive Impacted by Waterline Break
Traffic Reduced to a Single Lane
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX- The South Padre Island Drive westbound feeder road between Clare Drive and Prince Drive is partially restricted due to a waterline break. Crews began making emergency repairs this morning. Several Corpus Christi Water customers are impacted. Water services will be restored as soon as possible.
Repairs to the waterline underway. Traffic is reduced to a single lane from Nile Drive to Airline Road. Access is provided to all businesses in the area. Motorists are asked to reduce speed in the area.
Safety is a top priority, so motorists are advised to use alternate routes to avoid delays, remain aware of the work zone, and follow posted signs.
For more information, media representatives may contact Senior Public Information Officer Richard Vargas at 361-826-3420 or by email at richardv2@cctexas.com.