Street Closures and Traffic Impacts

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Street closures along major City streets impacting motorists and pedestrians are listed below. These closures may be due to construction, special event activity, or maintenance. All closures are subject to change due to weather, emergency work, or other circumstances. 

Work zone safety is a priority. Motorists are advised to slow down, follow posted speed limits, pay attention, watch out for workers, obey signs and flaggers, and allow additional travel time for delays.


Brawner Parkway – Kostoryz Road to Carroll Lane (Bond 2018)

During Phase 2 of Brawner Parkway construction, traffic north and south of the median is reduced to one-way in the westbound direction from Carroll Lane to Kostoryz Road.

Fairview Drive – Up River Road to Kenwood Drive (RSRP)

Fairview Drive is closed for street reconstruction between Up River Road and Kenwood Drive. Residents along Fairview Drive will be provided with local access. Construction is expected to last several months.

Junior Beck Road – Bear Lane to Old Brownsville Road (Bond 2018)

During this Phase 2 of the project, Junior Beck Road will be temporarily converted to one-way traffic in the southbound direction from Bear Lane towards Old Brownsville Road. The Corporate Drive intersection at Junior Beck will be temporarily closed for this phase. Residents will continue to have local access from South Padre Island Drive (SPID) Access Road. Wayfinding and detour signage will be in place to guide motorists to their destinations. The temporary one-way and intersection closure is expected to last several months.

Leopard Street – Palm Drive to Nueces Bay Boulevard (Bond 2018) 

Leopard Street is reduced to one lane, in each direction, along the eastbound lanes (south side) of Leopard Street between Nueces Bay Boulevard and Battlin' Buc Boulevard. The intersection at Leopard Street and Nueces Bay Boulevard is open to traffic. Additional temporary intersection closures will be implemented along the south side of Leopard Street as construction progresses.

Long Meadow Drive – Saratoga Boulevard to St. Andrews Drive (Bond 2018)

Traffic on Long Meadow Drive is restricted to one-way only in the northbound direction from Saratoga Boulevard to St. Andrews Drive. Southbound traffic will be detoured to Wooldridge Road to access Everhart Road or Staples Street. The one-way detour is anticipated to last for the project's duration, and construction is expected to last six months.

Park Road 22 Bridge and Channel – Whitecap Boulevard to Commodores Drive (SH 361) 

Park Road 22 is closed for construction on the south side (eastbound lanes) between Compass Street and Cruiser Street. Motorists traveling eastbound (south side) along Park Road 22 are shifted to the westbound lanes (north side) between Compass Street and Cruiser Street. Travel lanes in each direction are reduced to one between Compass Street and Cruiser Street. 

Staples Street – Baldwin Boulevard to Kostoryz Road (Bond 2018) 

During Phase 1 of construction on Staples Street, between Baldwin Boulevard and Kostoryz Road, drivers and pedestrians should expect the following traffic changes:

The northbound lanes and center-turn lane (east side) of Staples Street, between Baldwin Boulevard and Kostoryz Road, will be closed for construction. Traffic will be shifted to the west side of Staples Street (southbound lanes) and reduced to one lane in each direction.

Traffic along northbound Staples Street will shift to the west side (southbound lanes) of the roadway approaching the Kostoryz Road intersection.

The inside left-turn lane will be closed along Kostoryz Road at the Staples Street intersection. 

Sidewalks within the construction zone will be closed on the east side of Staples Street. 

South Staples Street – Saratoga Boulevard to Williams (CSIP)

The contractor is performing maintenance on South Staples Street from Saratoga Boulevard to Williams Drive as part of the City's Concrete Streets Improvement Project. 

Construction will take place between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

The contractor will conduct daily single-lane closures along South Staples Street, beginning at the Williams Drive intersection, and work southward towards Saratoga Boulevard. Intersections along the construction path may experience daily short-term closures or restrictions. Two-way traffic will remain open for motorists throughout construction.

Construction duration for this project is expected to last two months, weather permitting.

Swantner Drive – Indiana Avenue to Texan Trail (Bond 2018) 

Swantner Drive is closed to thru traffic between Ralston Street and Deforrest Street. Swantner Drive from Vaky Street to Glazebrook Street is also closed to thru traffic. Chamberlain Street and McClendon Street are open to local traffic. McCall Street will remain open from Reid Drive to Swantner Drive to allow access to the Lindale Senior Center. 

Reid Drive, Glazebrook Street, and Swantner Drive from Glazebrook Street to Texan Trail are open.


Alta Plaza Street – San Antonio Street to Santa Fe Street

The contractor for Corpus Christi Water Department is making utility improvements along Alta Plaza Street. A temporary full street closure is currently being implemented between San Antonio Street and Santa Fe Street for construction.

Motorists will maintain local residential access during the temporary street closure.

Construction progress will require temporary lane closures on Santa Fe Street to complete the work. Construction is expected to last several weeks.

Ayers St - Horne Road to Gollihar Road

The contractor for AEP Texas is performing maintenance work on their facilities along Ayers Street from Horne Road to Gollihar Road. The contractor will implement various lane closures along this section of Ayers Street. Work at this location is expected to last one month.

Brett Street – Weber Road to Byron Street

A communication contractor is working on removing a communication pole within the right of way. The contractor will implement temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures daily to facilitate their work zone.

Motorists will maintain residential, school, and business access at all times.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several days.

Caldwell Street – Mexico Street to Brownlee Boulevard (Guerra Underground)

The subcontractor for Flat Iron Dragados is installing a new wastewater line between Mexico Street and Brownlee Boulevard as part of the New Harbor Bridge Utility Relocation Project. Construction is progressing and is now in its final phase. A temporary street closure of Caldwell Street between Mexico Street and Brownlee Boulevard will be in place for the final phase. A temporary intersection closure of Caldwell Street and Mexico Street will be in place as construction progresses to the west. Detour signs will be in place to direct traffic around the temporary street closure. Residents will always have access during construction. Construction is expected to last several months.

Carancahua Street – Agnes Street to Coopers Alley

The contractor for Corpus Christi Water Department is making pavement repairs on Carancahua Steet. The contractors will implement temporary lane closures along Carancahua Street between Agnes Street and Coopers Alley. Construction is expected to last several weeks.

Clarkwood Road – Leopard Street to Agnes Street

A contractor for the Corpus Christi Water Department is repairing a wastewater line on Clarkwood Road. Construction has restarted and has reimplemented temporary street closures between Leopard Street and McNorton Road. Clarkwood Road will temporarily close all traffic between Leopard Street and McNorton Road. Motorists will maintain local access up to the closure, and a detour will be in place to guide traffic around the temporary closure Construction is expected to last several weeks.

Cuiper Street – Carlton Street to Dinn Street

The contractor for Corpus Christi Water Department is repairing a wastewater line on Cuiper Street and implementing temporary street closures between Carlton Street and Dinn Street. Cuiper Street will temporarily close to all traffic between Carlton Street and Dinn Street. Motorists will continue to have local access up to the closure. A detour will be in place to guide traffic around the temporary closure. Construction is expected to last several weeks.

Crescent Drive – McArdle Street to Winston Street

A communication contractor is working on removing a communication pole within the right of way. The contractor will implement temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures daily to facilitate their work zone.

Motorists will maintain residential, school, and business access.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several days.

Deepwood Circle – S Padre Island Drive Access Road to Dead End

A communication contractor is working on removing a communication pole within the right of way. The contractor will implement temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures daily to facilitate their work zone.

Motorists will maintain residential, school, and business access. Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several days.

Everhart Road – South Padre Island Drive to South Alameda Street

A contractor for the City will perform subsurface utility engineering along Everhart Road from South Padre Island Drive to South Alameda Street. The contractor will implement various daily lane reductions between South Padre Island Drive and Alameda Street. Work is expected to last one month.

Greely Drive – Belmeade Drive to Evergreen Drive

The contractor for private development is constructing a waterline across Greely Drive and has implemented temporary street closures between Belmeade Drive and Evergreen Drive. Greely Drive will be temporarily closed to all traffic between Belmeade Drive and Evergreen Drive. Motorists will maintain local access up to the closure, and a detour will be in place to guide traffic around the temporary closure. Construction is expected to last several weeks.

Green Pass Drive – Surrounding Neighborhood Streets

A communication contractor is working on upgrading cable television lines and will be installing facilities in the Green Pass Drive neighborhood. The contractor will implement various temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures to facilitate their work zone. Residential access will be maintained at all times.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several months.

Hall Avenue – Lantana Street to Benys Road

A contractor for Corpus Christi Independent School District is performing construction activities for the new Gibson Elementary School along Hall Avenue right of way. The contractor will implement daily temporary lane closures along the school's property at various times during construction. Residential access will be maintained at all times.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several months.

Keywest Drive – Weber Road to Panama Drive

A communication contractor is working on removing a communication pole within the right of way. The contractor will implement temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures daily to facilitate their work zone. Motorists will maintain residential, school, and business access.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several days.

Kostoryz Road – at Gollihar Road Intersection

A contractor for the Corpus Christi Water Department is repairing a wastewater manhole and performing concrete pavement repair at the intersection. Contractors will be reducing traffic to one travel lane for each direction on all four approaches to the intersection. Construction is expected to last several weeks. Motorists are encouraged to seek alternate routes.

Port Avenue – Horne Road to Baldwin Boulevard (Clark Pipeline)

The contractor is replacing a 16-inch water main along South Port Avenue from Horne Road to Baldwin Boulevard. Construction has progressed into the next phase. However, Southbound Port Avenue will remain reduced to one lane between Baldwin Boulevard and Tarlton Street, utilizing the center turn lane as the travel lane. Northbound Port Avenue travel lanes will not be affected. In contrast, other lane closures along the project limits may occur for lateral waterline installations. Construction at this location is estimated to last several months.

River Run Road – Surrounding Neighborhood Streets

A communication contractor is working on a fiber build project and will install facilities in the River Run Road neighborhood.

The contractor will implement various temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures to facilitate their work zone. Residential access will be maintained at all times.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several months.

Rossiter Street – South Alameda Street to Santa Fe Street

The contractor for Corpus Christi Water Department is repairing a wastewater line on Rossiter Street and implementing temporary street closure between South Alameda Street and Santa Fe Street. Rossiter Street will be temporarily closed to all traffic between South Alameda Street and Santa Fe Street. Motorists will maintain local access up to the closure, and a detour will be in place to guide traffic around the temporary closure. Construction is expected to last several weeks.

Santa Fe Street – Primrose Drive to Rossiter Street

The contractor for the Corpus Christi Water Department is repairing a wastewater line that runs across Santa Fe Street. To make repairs, contractors will perform daily lane closures on Santa Fe Street between Primrose Drive and Rossiter Street. Construction is expected to last 30 days.

Sydney Street – Boomerang Drive to Las Bahias Drive

A communication contractor is working on removing a communication pole within the right of way. The contractor will implement daily temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures to facilitate their work zone. Motorists will maintain residential, school, and business access at all times.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several days.

Wilkinson Drive – Tiger Lane to Bentwood Lane

A communication contractor is working on removing a communication pole within the right of way. The contractor will implement temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures daily to facilitate their work zone. Motorists will maintain residential, school, and business access.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several days.

Wood River Drive – Surrounding Neighborhood Streets

A communication contractor is working on a fiber build project and installing facilities in the Wood River Drive Neighborhood.

The contractor will implement various temporary sidewalks and temporary lane closures to facilitate their work zone. Residential access will be maintained at all times.

Motorists should use caution while driving through the work zone. Construction is expected to last several months.


Hearts and Minds 5K Run

Corpus Christi Education Foundation will have its annual Hearts and Minds 5K Run to help fund programs for CCISD students. This year's event will start and end at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Campus. The route will run out of the campus onto Ocean Drive towards Naval Air Station North Gate and back to the campus.

Campus access will be maintained during the event. Temporary lane closures for the event are expected to last through the morning.