City of Corpus Christi Unified Development Code Update

Presentation Can Be Viewed on Social Media

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi is updating sections of the Unified Development Code. The first component is an update of the zoning districts, uses, and associated standards, such as parking and landscape.

Public drafts of the zoning component can be viewed at:

Staff and consultants will present these drafts in a series of open houses and presentations on Tuesday, December 13, and Wednesday, December 14. We invite you to join us for an in-person meeting to learn about the proposed drafts and provide comments.

For those who would like to view the presentation via social media, the session on Wednesday, December 14, at 5:30 p.m. will be live-streamed on the City’s social media platforms, Facebook and YouTube.

Moderators will be on hand to answer your online questions during the presentation.

To view the live presentation, tune into one of the City’s social media channels:

  • Facebook: @citygov
  • YouTube: CCTVCorpusChristi

For additional information: Please visit the project website at

The website contains information about the project, notices for events, feedback opportunities, and all released drafts and presentations.

For more information, please email