Street Closures and Traffic Impacts
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Street closures along major City streets impacting motorists and pedestrians are listed below. These closures may be due to construction, special event activity, or maintenance. All closures are subject to change due to weather, emergency work, or other circumstances.
Work zone safety is a priority. Motorists are advised to slow down, follow posted speed limits, pay attention, watch out for workers, obey signs and flaggers, and allow additional travel time for delays.
Airline Road – Wooldridge Road to Rodd Field Road (SPMP)
The City contractor will conduct daily lane closures along Airline Road from Wooldridge Road to Rodd Field Road between 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Two-way traffic will remain open throughout construction. Motorists can expect temporary lane closures and intersection restrictions along Airline Road from Wooldridge Road to Rodd Field Road. Lane closures and construction hours will fall outside of school zone hours. Construction is expected to last one month.
Brawner Parkway – Kostoryz Road to Carroll Lane (Bond 2018)
During Phase 2 of construction, Brawner Parkway (north and south of the median) will be reduced to one-way traffic flow in the eastbound direction. The following traffic changes and lane closures will be implemented:
Brawner Parkway's westbound lane (south of the median) is closed for construction. The eastbound lane will remain open during this first phase of construction.
Brawner Parkway's westbound lane (north of the median) is closed for construction. The eastbound lane will remain open during this first phase of construction.
Fairview Drive – Up River Road to Kenwood Drive (RSRP)
Fairview Drive is closed for street reconstruction between Up River Road and Kenwood Drive. Residents along Fairview Drive will be provided with local access. Construction is expected to last several months.
Holly Road – Weber Road to Everhart Road (SH-286) (SPMP)
Construction on Holly Road will occur between 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Two-way traffic will remain open while the contractor conducts single-lane closures along Holly Road, beginning at the Airline Road intersection and continuing westward to Crosstown Expressway (SH-286). Intersections along the construction path will experience daily short-term closures or restrictions. The project is expected to last several months, weather permitting.
Junior Beck Road – Bear Lane to Old Brownsville Road (Bond 2018)
During this Phase 2 of the project, Junior Beck Road will be temporarily converted to one-way traffic in the southbound direction from Bear Lane towards Old Brownsville Road. The Corporate Drive intersection at Junior Beck will be temporarily closed for this phase. Residents will continue to have local access from South Padre Island Drive (SPID) Access Road. Wayfinding and detour signage will be in place to guide motorists to their destinations. The temporary one-way and intersection closure is expected to last several months.
Leopard Street – Palm Drive to Nueces Bay Boulevard (Bond 2018)
Leopard Street is reduced to one lane, in each direction, along the eastbound lanes (south side) of Leopard Street between Nueces Bay Boulevard and Battlin' Buc Boulevard. The intersection at Leopard Street and Nueces Bay Boulevard is open to traffic. Additional temporary intersection closures will be implemented along the south side of Leopard Street as construction progresses.
Long Meadow Drive – Saratoga Boulevard to St. Andrews Drive (Bond 2018)
Traffic on Long Meadow Drive is restricted to one-way only in the northbound direction from Saratoga Boulevard to St. Andrews Drive. Southbound traffic will be detoured to Wooldridge Road to access Everhart Road or Staples Street. The one-way detour is anticipated to last for the project's duration, and construction is expected to last six months.
Old Brownsville Road – Cliff Maus Drive to Bear Lane (SPMP)
The intersection of Old Brownsville Road and Horne Road/Navigation Boulevard will be closed for emergency Wastewater utility repairs. Eastbound and westbound traffic along Old Brownsville Road will be detoured around the closure through Cliff Maus Drive and Bear Lane.
The intersection of Horne Road at Airport Road/Columbia Street will be closed in the westbound direction. Westbound traffic along Horne Road will be detoured to Airport Road and Horne Road. The project is expected to last two months, weather permitting.
Park Road 22 Bridge and Channel – Whitecap Boulevard to Commodores Drive (SH 361)
Park Road 22 is closed for construction on the south side (eastbound lanes) between Compass Street and Cruiser Street. Motorists traveling eastbound (south side) along Park Road 22 are shifted to the westbound lanes (north side) between Compass Street and Cruiser Street. Travel lanes in each direction are reduced to one lane between Compass Street and Cruiser Street.
Staples Street – Baldwin Boulevard to Kostoryz Road (Bond 2018)
During Phase 1 of construction on Staples Street, between Baldwin Boulevard and Kostoryz Road, drivers and pedestrians should expect the following traffic changes:
The northbound lanes and center-turn lane (east side) of Staples Street, between Baldwin Boulevard and Kostoryz Road, will be closed for construction. Traffic will be shifted to the west side of Staples Street (southbound lanes) and reduced to one lane in each direction.
Traffic along northbound Staples Street will be shifted to the west side (southbound lanes) of the roadway approaching the Kostoryz Road intersection.
The inside left-turn lane will be closed along Kostoryz Road at the Staples Street intersection.
The intersection of Texas Avenue at Staples Street, on the east side, will be temporarily closed for utility line installations.
Sidewalks within the construction zone will be closed on the east side of Staples Street.
Swantner Drive – Indiana Avenue to Texan Trail (Bond 2018)
Swantner Drive is closed to thru traffic between Ralston Street and Glazebrook Street. Chamberlain Street and Vaky Street are open for local traffic. McCall Street will remain open from Reid Drive to Swantner Drive to allow access to the Lindale Senior Center.
Reid Drive, Glazebrook Street, and Swantner Drive from Glazebrook Street to Texan Trail are open.
Airline Road – Vincent Drive to Hidden Oaks Street (IPR)
The contractor for the City will begin sewer line maintenance on Monday, November 7, along Airline Road from Vincent Drive to Hidden Oaks Street. The contractor will implement lane reductions on Southbound Airline Road along the work area. Work at this location is expected to last several weeks.
Alexander Street – Devon Drive to Brentwood Drive
The contractor for the City will install new ADA ramps along Alexander Street from Devon Drive to Brentwood Drive for James W. Fannin Elementary School as part of the Safe Routes to School program. Temporary sidewalk closures will be implemented, and pedestrians shall follow pedestrian detour signs. Work at this location is expected to last two months.
Kostoryz Road – Gollihar Road Intersection
A Corpus Christi Water Department contractor will reconstruct a wastewater maintenance hole at the intersection. During construction, all travel lanes approaching the intersection will be reduced to one lane. Left turns at the intersection will not be allowed while traffic control is in place. Traffic signals will be adjusted for the new traffic patterns. Lane closures are expected to last several weeks.
Kostoryz Road - at the Masterson Intersection
Starting Monday, November 7, a City contractor will install new ADA pedestrian ramps at the intersection of Kostoryz Road and Masterson Drive. The contractor will implement right lane closures along Kostoryz Road north and south of Masterson Drive. The pedestrian crosswalk on Kostoryz Road at Masterson Drive will be closed during construction. Pedestrians will follow pedestrian detour signs to cross Kostoryz Road at Saratoga Boulevard.
Lipes Boulevard – Airline Road Intersection
The contractor for a private developer will install a new waterline at Lipes Boulevard near Airline Road. The contractor will implement daily one-lane flagger operations to assist motorists around the work area. Work at this location is expected to last several days.
Mexico Street – Howard Street to Caldwell Street (Guerra Underground)
The subcontractor for Flat Iron Dragados is installing a new wastewater line between Lipan Street and Caldwell Street as part of the New Harbor Bridge Utility Relocation Project. Construction is progressing and has moved out of the Howard Street and Mexico Street intersection, opening the intersection back to vehicular traffic. However, a temporary street closure of Mexico Street from Howard Street to Caldwell Street is still required to complete the remaining construction along this stretch. Detour signs will be in place to direct traffic around the temporary street closure. Residents and places of worship will always have access during construction. Construction is expected to last several months.
North Chaparral Street – Lawrence Street to Schatzell Street
The contractor for Cosmopolitan Apartments LLC is performing building façade maintenance along North Chaparral Street from Schatzell Street to Lawrence Street. The contractor will implement temporary sidewalk closures along the building on North Chaparral and temporary parking restrictions. Work at this location is expected to last one month.
Port Avenue – Horne Road to Prescott Street (SH 286 Frontage) (Clark Pipeline)
The contractor is replacing a 16-inch water main along South Port Avenue from Southgate Drive to Baldwin Boulevard. Construction is scheduled to move into the last phase next week. Southbound Port Avenue will remain reduced to one lane, utilizing the center turn lane as the travel lane. However, the limits for the last phase are from Baldwin Boulevard to Southgate Drive. Northbound Port Avenue travel lanes will not be affected. Construction at this location is estimated to last several months.
South Staples Street – Saratoga Boulevard to Williams (CSIP)
On Monday, November 7, construction will begin on South Staples Street from Saratoga Boulevard to Williams Drive as part of the City's Concrete Streets Improvement Project.
Construction will take place between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
The contractor will conduct daily single-lane closures along South Staples Street, beginning at the Williams Drive intersection, and work southward towards Saratoga Boulevard. Intersections along the construction path may experience daily short-term closures or restrictions. Two-way traffic will remain open for motorists throughout construction.
Construction duration for this project is expected to last three weeks, weather permitting.
Water Street – Mann Street to Peoples Street
The contractor for the City is making repairs to the wastewater system on Water Street on Tuesday, November 1. A wastewater bypass is being set up so the contractor can make repairs.
Water Street is being reduced to one travel lane for each direction on the east side of the street. Taylor Street and Starr Street intersections along the west side of Water Street are temporarily closed.
No parking zones will be established for this work zone. Motorists are asked to obey all traffic control signs and use caution when navigating the work zone. Construction is expected to last several weeks.
Water Street – Kinney Street to Park Avenue
Contractors for AEP will be performing maintenance on their electrical system along the Bayfront. Contractors will be implementing various lane closures along Water Street and Shoreline Boulevard. Side streets intersecting the work area will also have various lane closures. Construction is estimated to last two months.
Harbor Half Marathon
Junior Achievement of the Coastal Bend is having its annual Harbor Half Marathon on November 5. Runners will be running from the Whataburger Field parking lot to Sunset Lake in Portland and back to Whataburger Field.
There are various temporary lane closures along the route to help facilitate the event.
Streets in the S.E.A. District to be impacted are Port Avenue, Mesquites Street, and Power Street. The Harbor Bridge is being reduced to one travel lane, and Burleson Exit will be temporarily closed. Streets in North Beach to be impacted are Burleson Street, Timon Boulevard, Beach Avenue, and East Causeway Boulevard. The US 181 Entrance Ramp from East Causeway Boulevard will be temporarily closed. North US 181 will be reduced to two lanes after the Harbor Bridge to Indian Point Park Exit. The exit to Indian Point Park will be temporarily closed.
Special event No Parking zones will be established the day before the event and enforced the day of the event.
Temporary lane closures will be removed as the last runners clear the course.
The Downtown Management District is hosting its monthly ArtWalk Event in Downtown Corpus Christi Friday, November 4. Temporary full street closures will be implemented on Starr Street, Peoples Street, and Lomax Street from Mesquite Street to Chaparral Street. Chaparral Street will also be closed from Lomax Street to Lawrence Street. Street parking will be restricted near these areas. Street Closures will be removed the following morning.
Greek Festival
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church is hosting its Greek Festival from November 4 through November 6. Temporary street closures will be implemented on Broadway Court from Chaparral Street to Water Street. Closures will be implemented on Tuesday, November 2, and will be removed Monday, November 7.
Peppermint Lane Holiday Market
The Downtown Management District is hosting a seasonal event every Sunday from November 6 through December 18. Temporary street closures will be implemented on Chaparral Street between Lawrence Street and Lomax Street.
5th Annual Corpus Christi Wine Festival
Hughes Street, Resaca Street, Fitzgerald Street, Mesquite Street, Broadway Street
The Corpus Christi Wine Festival will hold its 5th Annual Corpus Christi Wine Festival at Heritage Park starting at 3 p.m. Saturday, November 19.
The public should expect to see NO PARKING signage in place by 7:00 a.m. Friday, November 18. Enforcement of these parking restrictions will begin at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 19.
Traffic Control implementation will start at 7:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 19, with the following temporary street closures: Hughes Street, between Broadway Street and Chaparral Street; Resaca Street, between Broadway Street and Mesquite Street; Fitzgerald Street, between Broadway Street and Chaparral Street and Mesquite Street between Brewster Street and Palo Alto Street. Motorists can expect delays if they travel in the area during the three-day event. Traffic control will be removed Monday before 8:00 a.m.
- Corpus Christi Street Information –
- DriveTexasTM –
- Harbor Bridge Project –