Cole Park Pier Receives Warranty Maintenance
Temporary Partial Closures to Pier
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Beginning on Monday, October 31, portions of Cole Park Pier, located at 2802 Ocean Drive, will be partially closed to park visitors to receive warranty maintenance on the pier deck.
Maintenance work will take place from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the partial closures are expected to last eight to 10 days, weather permitting. Some closures will remain in place overnight.
The following Pier amenities will not be available to visitors in the areas receiving warranty maintenance work: seating, picnic tables, canopies, and the fish cleaning station. Pier visitors are advised to be aware of areas under maintenance.
The Plaza, parking lot, and sidewalk will remain available to visitors throughout the warranty maintenance process.
Under the leadership of the City of Corpus Christi Engineering Services Department and Parks & Recreation Department, the Cole Park Pier Improvement Project was completed in December 2021.
For more information, please call Public Information Officer Cynthia Garcia at 361-826-3528 or by email at