Voter Registration Deadline Is Tomorrow

Residents Must be Registered by October 11

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – If you have not registered to vote or have moved since the last election day, the last day to register to vote or update your registration for the November 8, 2022, General & Bond Special Election is Tuesday, October 11.

You can get a voter registration application by visiting or the Nueces County Courthouse. Please complete the form and drop it off at the Nueces County Voter Registrar’s Office, Suite 102, in the Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard Street. For more information, call 361-888-0404 or visit the Elections Department | Nueces County, TX

Early voting begins Monday, October 24, and runs through Friday, November 4. Election Day is November 8. To view early voting locations and Election Day vote centers, visit 2022 Election Central. »