Parents’ Night Out! Offered by City Parks and Recreation Department

Take a Break and We’ll Watch the Kids!

CORPUS CHRISTI, TEXAS – The City of Corpus Christi’s Parks & Recreation Department is offering Parents’ Night Out for youth ages 6 through 16 on Saturday, September 24, 2022, from 4:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Lindale Recreation Center, 3133 Swantner Drive.

Parents’ Night Out provides parents, grandparents, and other caregivers with time to take a break from their daily routine, enjoy some “me time”, run errands, or enjoy a date night with the reassurance that their children are having a fun evening. Children will enjoy pizza for dinner, participate in games, arts and crafts, and more!

REGISTER ONLINE: Online registration is open now and will remain open until filled. It is provided on a first-come, first-served basis at

All participating youth must be pre-registered and signed in/out by an adult. The registration fee is only $10 per child. No registration or payments will be accepted in person. Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged.  

For more information, visit (click “Recreation Centers”) or call 361-826-PLAY. Follow us on social media for updates.  

The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is dedicated to providing quality, affordable enrichment programs for all ages and interests. For more information about the wide variety of programs and services offered by the department, visit We invite everyone to Live. Learn. Play!

Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call 361-826-3472 at least 48 hours in advance.