Adoption of Record-Setting $1.4 Billion FY 2023 Budget


CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - On Tuesday, September 6, 2022, Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council adopted the City’s operating and capital budget totaling $1.4 billion for the Fiscal Year 2023, which begins October 1, 2022. 

The balanced budget is designed to address the community’s top priorities including public safety, streets, and parks.   City Council approved as part of the budget a 2.6 cent City property tax rate decrease and eliminated a proposed garbage and recycling curbside collection fee adjustment.

The budget includes:

  • A property tax rate decrease of 2.6 cents
  • No residential water rate increases
  • No wastewater rate increases
  • No solid waste fee increases for residential customers.  Commercial customers will see a $2.24 a month increase; as well as a tonnage fee increase at the Transfer Station and the Cefe Valenzuela Landfill
  • Stormwater monthly rate adjustment of $1.57 a month for a typical residential customer, which is consistent with the five-year plan
  • Funding for 25 new police officer positions that increase the total complement to 491 police officers
  • Funding for 24 new firefighter positions that increase the total complement to 446
  • Eight of the 24 new firefighters will be used to staff an additional medic unit placed at Station 12 (Rand Morgan at Leopard), bringing the total number of medic units to 14 from 13
  • Equipment upgrades to include replacing two 75 ft ladder trucks, replacing the current station alerting system, and replacement of fire records management system
  • $136.4 million in street maintenance totaling $336 million in three years
  • Record budget for residential streets with funding totaling over $24 million
  • $660 thousand for a right-of-way management crew composed of 4 positions and new equipment
  • $7.1 million for Vision Zero enhancements which includes funding of $3.6 million in Surface Transportation Block Grants
  • $8 million for Downtown Water Street Improvements
  • $2 million budgeted for numerous one-time capital improvements at eight area parks
  • $4.5 million for new Gulf Beach Area facility to include restrooms, storage, and parking
  • Funding for an emergency generator at La Retama Central Library and capital improvements at two library branches
  • $2.1 million for the “Light-up CC” city initiative to convert over 15,000 streetlights to LED, once completed, will produce an estimated annual energy savings of $672,000 per year
  • Funding for Phase 1 of 3 for the Health Department Building renovation project
  • One additional veterinarian assistant position for Animal Care Services
  • One full-time Animal Care kennel technician
  • $47 million investment in O.N. Stevens Water Treatment Plant in FY 2023 and $187 million investment over the next three years
  • $49 million in funding for replacement and repairs of water lines citywide
  • $39 million in funding for capital improvements at all six Wastewater Treatment Plants and $157 million investment over the next three years
  • Funding for additional Stormwater inlet cleaning and maintenance and more street sweeping of collector streets

Community engagement matters!  As part of the FY 2023 budget process, Council Members and City staff hosted community meetings for the fourth year in each of the five City Council districts.  Resident input was instrumental in finalizing the budget.  Several changes were made due to these community meetings, including funding for improvements at Salinas Park, additional funding for art projects, and funds allocated for North Beach Drainage improvements. 

For more information and to view the proposed budget, visit:

For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or email