Why is Water Flowing Over the Calallen Dam?

There are Several Reasons for Water Flow

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The community may see water flowing over the Calallen Dam, also known as the Salt Dam, over the next few weeks. The flow is due to several reasons:

  • Rain that falls in the Nueces River, but did not fall in Lake Corpus Christi, will flow over the dam into Nueces Bay.
  • Controlled releases of water that are necessary to meet monthly pass-thru amounts, as designated by the 2001 Amended Agreed Order pertaining to Special Condition 5.B., Certificate of Adjudication No. 21-3214, will flow over the dam. The Amended Agreed Order lists target amounts of water to be released each month into Nueces and Corpus Christi Bays to maintain the environment and health of marine life.
  • If Lake Corpus Christi reaches full capacity, which is 94.0 feet above mean sea level, water will be released to maintain the safety and integrity of Wesley Seale Dam.

Media representatives can contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or by email at robertg8@cctexas.com, or Community Outreach Specialist Erin Hawkins at 361-826-1817 or erinh@cctexas.com. You can also find updates from Corpus Christi Water on social media channels: Facebook @CCTXWater and Twitter @CCTXWater.

About Corpus Christi Water

For 130 years, the city of Corpus Christi has been vital as the water supplier for the region. Our commitment to 500,000 residents across the Coastal Bend is to plan, produce and deliver water that is affordable, drought-proof, sustainable, and reliable.