Short-Term Rental Registration Enforcement Begins
Registration and Display of Permit Numbers in all Advertisements Will Now be Enforced
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Recently, Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette Guajardo and the City Council approved a Short-Term Rental (STR) ordinance to regulate residential properties rented for less than 30 consecutive days protecting the quality of life in traditional neighborhoods within the city.
The ordinance amended the City’s Unified Development Code (UDC) to allow STRs in single-family residential districts within the city but not in single-family residential zoned areas at Padre/Mustang Island.
The ordinance also required STR operators to obtain a permit as of July 11, 2022, and to display the permit number in all advertisements for the rental unit.
To notify STR owners/operators of the requirement to register, the City has used social media posts, created an STR website, and produced public service announcements to reach property owners and STR operators to let them know about the change in rules.
In addition, the Code Enforcement team and Development Services Department talked one-on-one to numerous individual owners, operators, and property managers about the new regulations and requirements. From July 11 to September 1, the City allowed a grace period for compliance to ensure that information about the ordinance had time to reach impacted property owners and operators.
Starting today, September 1, 2022, Code Enforcement officers will monitor STR advertisements and investigate complaints to ensure all STR units comply. A fine of up to $500 will now be enforced for advertising or operating an STR unit without a permit.
To register and apply for an STR permit today, please visit
For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or email at