Street Maintenance Coming to Weber Road
South Staples to McArdle Road
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – On Tuesday, August 30, City contractors will begin the mill and overlay of Weber Road from South Staples Street to McArdle Road. Construction will occur Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The contractor will implement temporary single-lane closures. During road construction, two-way traffic will be maintained at all times. Intersections along the construction path will experience daily short-term closures or restrictions.
The three-week project will be completed in two phases. Phase 1: South Staples to Gollihar Road and Phase 2: Gollihar Road to McArdle Road. The construction project is part of the Public Works Department’s Street Preventative Maintenance Program.
For more information, please call Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or email at