City to Hold Community Input Sessions for Proposed Budget

FY 2023 Proposed Budget Totals $1.4 Billion

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi will have community input sessions for the Proposed FY 2023 Budget in each Council District. The second session will be in District 2, hosted by District 2 Council Member Ben Molina on Wednesday, August 10, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. at the Del Mar College for Economic Development, Room 106 at 3209 Staples Street.

City Manager Peter Zanoni will give a brief presentation on the proposed budget, including a highlight video. The City Manager, Councilman Molina, and City staff will be available to answer questions from residents. Mayor Paulette Guajardo and other City Council Members may be in attendance at each input session.

Citizens are welcome to attend any or all community input sessions. The meetings will take place on the following dates:

  • District 2 – Wednesday, August 10, at Del Mar College Center for Economic Development, Room 106, 3209 South Staples Street
  • District 3 – Thursday, August 11, at Water Utilities – Choke Canyon Room, 2726 Holly Road
  • District 4 – Monday, August 15, at Ethel Eyerly Senior Center, 654 Graham Road
  • District 5 – Wednesday, August 17, at Veterans Memorial High School Auditorium, 3750 Cimarron Boulevard

Use the interactive map to find your district.

Residents can find a copy of the Proposed FY 2023 Budget at and

Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Please call 361-826-3233 at least 48 hours in advance for assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation.

Citizens can also view the meetings live on the following City communication channels:

For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or email