City’s Commitment to Safer Streets Continues

Flashing LED Stop Signs Installed at 10 intersections

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi’s Department of Public Works recently installed new flashing LED Stop Signs at 10 intersections across the city. The intersections with the highest amount of traffic accidents at stop control intersections were selected. The new LED Stop Signs will flash 24/7 and will improve driver awareness, increase stop compliance, and reduce crashes.

The improved intersections include:

  • South Water Street and Park Avenue
  • Santa Fe Street and Buford Street
  • South Tancahua Street and Kinney Street
  • Alameda Street and Del Mar Boulevard
  • Baldwin Boulevard and Riggan Street
  • McArdle Road and Shopping Way
  • South Staples Street and Curtis Clark Drive
  • Baldwin Boulevard and Virginia Avenue
  • Wooldridge Road and Quebec Road
  • Wooldridge Road and Parkway Drive

These installations are one of several safety enhancements projects for the City’s Vision Zero program, which seeks to help eliminate traffic and pedestrian fatalities as well as to reduce boating and other water activity accidents that can result in severe injuries or fatalities.

Our commitment to the Vision Zero program involves multiple stakeholders within the City, to include civic partners, community members, and public agencies. With this concerted effort, the City is confident in its ability to make our community a safer place to live and play. 

“The safety of our residents and visitors is a top priority, especially in high traffic areas and while driving at night,” said Mayor Paulette Guajardo. “The City is committed to decreasing crash statistics and eliminating deaths and serious injury for all who share Corpus Christi streets.”

To learn more about Vision Zero visit:

For more information, please call Sr. Public Information Officer Melanie Lowry at 361-826-3837 or by email at

Flashing LED STOP Signs