Corpus Christi Landmark Commission Presents Historic Preservation Awards
Historic Preservation Photo Contest Winners Announced
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi Landmark Commission hosted its Annual Historic Preservation Awards Ceremony at its regular meeting on May 26 at City Hall.
Project Awards were given for exemplifying best practices in historic preservation to:
- ButterKrust Storage, LLC for the rehabilitation of the historic ButterKrust Bakery building at 2002 Ayers Street
- Robert Cooper for the revitalization of a historic gas station building located at 724 North Mesquite Street
Organization Awards were given to:
- Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi for the purchase of the former J.C. Penney building at 223 North Chaparral in 2019, creating a presence in Corpus Christi’s Downtown.
- Naval Air Station-Corpus Christi was recognized for its dedication to retaining and preserving significant World War II-era buildings and leadership in historic preservation at times with limited funding.
The Landmark Commission also recognized winners of the first Historic Preservation Photo Contest. More than 70 photographs were submitted via Instagram and Facebook, receiving more than 7000 reactions.
Historic Preservation Photo Contest Winners were:
- First Place: Carlos Tamez-Mendez for a photograph of Downtown
- Second Place: John Caceres for the photo of Cole Park Pier
- Third Place: (Tie) Bailey Williams for a photograph of the old Nueces County Courthouse and Carlos Tamez-Mendez for a photo of the Marina.
Later this summer, the winners' photos, and other selected images will be displayed at City Hall, the Development Services Department, and La Retama Library.
To view the full album of submitted photos, visit
The mission of the Landmark Commission is to recognize and promote the use of historical and cultural landmarks for the culture, prosperity, education, and general welfare of the citizens and visitors to the City. To view the awards ceremony, visit the City’s Facebook and YouTube channels.
For more information, contact Nina Nixon-Mendez, Historic Preservation Officer, at 361-826-3276 or