UPDATE - City of Corpus Christi and Beach to Bay Marathon Organizers

Media Advisory

When:   Tuesday, March 1, at 9:00 a.m.

Where:  Basement Training Room, City Hall

              1201 Leopard Street

Who:     Paulette Guajardo, Mayor

              Peter Zanoni, City Manager

              Doug McBee, Beach to Bay, Race Director

              Lindsey Pietsch, Freedom Fitness, Beach to Bay Title Sponsor

              Captain Tim Frazier, Corpus Christi Police Department

              Jorge G. Cruz-Aedo, Corpus Christi Regional Transportation Authority

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – After two years of hiatus due to COVID-19, the City of Corpus Christi and Beach to Bay organizers will have a joint news conference to brief the public on the Beach to Bay Relay Marathon 45th Annual event scheduled to take place May 21, 2022.

Facebook: @citygov

YouTube: CCTVCorpusChristi

This is not a public gathering.

For more information, media representatives can contact Public Information Manager Robert Gonzales at 361-826-3233 or by email at Robertg8@cctexas.com

Beach to Bay Slate for 03-01-22