City No Longer Accepting Applications for Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program
Applications Exceed Available Funding
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi is closing the application process for its local Texas Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (TEMAP). Forty-eight (48) emergency mortgage assistance applications have been submitted since the program's launch on December 14, 2021.
The applications received are anticipated to exceed the $200,000 funding available under the program for mortgage assistance. To date, $175,000 has been awarded to assist homeowners.
TEMAP provides mortgage assistance to income-eligible households impacted by COVID-19 to help them ensure housing stability during the pandemic.
The City’s Neighborhood Services Department greatly appreciates the community’s interest in the Texas Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program.
Media representatives requesting more information may contact Public Information Officer Gabriela Morrow at 361-826-3583 or email at