City Alerts Community about Strong Cold Front
Citizens Need to Prepare to Protect People, Property, and Pets
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – According to the National Weather Service a strong cold front will move into Corpus Christi Sunday morning between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. Temperatures are expected to drop into the low 40s with winds between 40 and 45 miles per hour until around noon. While it is expected to warm up during the day, the area will experience several hours of at or below freezing temperatures Sunday night into Monday morning. The City has an emergency management plan to address issues such as individuals and pets in need of shelter and utilities.
Homeless Shelters:
On Sunday, January 2, the Salvation Army will open the old shelter location at 521 Josephine for overflow. Intake will be from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Good Samaritan is also opened and taking people in at 210 S. Alameda. Males and females are welcome. Intake is 24 hours a day. The City is partnering with the Gulf Coast Humane Society to shelter the pets of persons who are homeless. The City will be conducting outreach on Sunday to reach people who may need assistance.
Warming Centers:
The City will also offer daytime warming centers within the city limits. City Warming Centers are not a place to sleep nor eat. No pets will be allowed, and no food will be provided.
Strict COVID-19 protocols will be in place to include temperature checks upon entry and facemasks are recommended. Visitors will be expected to follow Center for Disease Control (CDC) and State COVID-19 recommended guidelines such as maintaining 6 feet social distancing, along with other best personal-protection practices.
Sunday, January 2, and Monday, January 3, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:
Broadmoor Senior Center 1651 Tarlton 826-3138
Northwest Senior Center 9725 Up River Road 826-2320
Library location available Monday, January 3 from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.:
La Retama Central Library 805 Comanche 826-7000
Animal Care Services:
In anticipation of the upcoming cold weather, Animal Care Services has increased the number of on-call officers from one to three to help with calls concerning pets left outside in cold weather. This increase of officers will be in effect for tonight and Sunday night when the temperatures are expected to be at their lowest. Citizens are encouraged to bring their pets inside in advance of the temperature drop.
The City reminds pet owners that there is a city ordinance requiring adequate sheltering of canines during cold weather.
Protect Property:
To minimize property damage, citizens are advised to take appropriate steps to help protect their property and:
- Wrap all exposed pipes located outside or in unheated areas of the home with newspaper, insulation, or towels.
- Remove garden hoses from outside faucets. Insulate outside faucets with a Styrofoam cover, rags, or paper.
- Cover vents around the foundation of your home.
- Know where the water cut-off valve is located and how to use it. You should apply oil such as WD-40, to the cut-off valve before operating to prevent the valve from breaking.
- Open kitchen and bathroom cabinets so warmer air can circulate below the sinks.
- Shut off irrigation systems. Water runoff from irrigation systems can travel onto the street and freeze, creating hazardous conditions for drivers.
- Commercial customers should insulate or drain all exposed pipes.
If you are not staying at home:
- Cut water off at the property owner’s cut-off valve.
- Drain all outside water faucets if your house will be unoccupied for several days (leave outside faucets open).
- Set the thermostat in your house at no lower than 55ºF
- Open cabinet doors under sinks adjacent to outside walls.
- Ask a friend or neighbor to check your house daily to make sure it's warm enough to prevent freezing.
Space Heaters:
The Corpus Christi Fire Department wants to make sure residents stay safe and warm during winter weather conditions by providing the following safety tips when using portable space heaters:
- Inspect all heating equipment prior to use.
- Make sure all space heaters are clean and dust-free.
- Choose electric space heaters that are UL approved with automatic shut-off or tip over safety features.
- If using extension cords, make sure they are the proper size and length.
- Never run extension cords under rugs or carpets.
- Keep space heaters at least three feet away from furniture and other flammable items.
- Install smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, replace batteries regularly.
- NEVER use charcoal grills or other fuel-burning devices indoors.
- Keep an eye on children and pets when using space heaters.
- Always turn space heaters off when leaving home.
Protect your plants:
- Bring your smaller container plants, especially succulents, indoors. Mulch or cover outdoor plants with straw, blankets, or cardboard.
- To prevent heat loss from sides of containers, push together large outdoor pots and wrap the bases with a blanket.
- Rosemary topiaries or potted citrus plants or roses should be moved close to the wall of your house for warmth.
- Don’t worry if plant leaves wilt; they protect themselves against the cold by dehydrating themselves. Given time, most will perk back up.
- If you see damage from frost (black or purple flaccid leaves or stems), particularly on woody perennials, wait until the spring to prune to not shear off healthy tissue.
For more information, stay connected with our City social media channels Facebook @citygov and Twitter @cityofcc.