City Councilman Ben Molina Announces Prepped for Success School Supplies Drive

School Supply Drop-Off Locations Open beginning July 28

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - City Councilman Ben Molina invites the Corpus Christi community to support local students as they start the 2021-2022 school year by preparing them to achieve academic success with the Prepped for Success School Supplies Drive in Corpus Christi.   

The Prepped for Success School Supplies Drive will take place from July 28, 2021, through August 11, 2021. Donations can be dropped off at any fire station in the City of Corpus Christi. 

The Boys and Girls Club of the Coastal Bend will distribute the school supplies to students enrolled in the school districts the organization serves. 

“Every child in our city deserves to walk into the first day of school with a new backpack and any supplies they could possibly need,” said Councilman Molina.

“Given the challenging year that so many of the students in Corpus Christi had in 2020 - 2021, we want to make sure that having something as simple as notebook paper and sharpened pencils is the least of their worries.   And we’re asking the community to really step up and give some donations that would be really meaningful for our most underserved populations in the Coastal Bend.”