Update - Public Invited to Airport Stakeholder's Meeting on Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Goals
Area Contractors welcome to attend and learn more about Future Projects
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX - The public is invited to a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Stakeholder Meeting at Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA) on Tuesday, July 27, at 5:00 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to receive input regarding CCIA's three-year DBE Goal for the years 2022 to 2025.
The DBE program is designed to create a level playing field for minority-owned businesses that would like to compete for specific federal government construction contracts. The three-year goal represents the percentage of DBE participation that the airport must strive to secure during the time period. The DBE designation must be obtained prior to bidding on a project as a DBE contractor.
If you would like to review CCIA's three-year DBE Goal, please visit the airport website at corpuschristiairport.com. The Stakeholder's Meeting will be held in the Airport Conference Room on the terminal's second floor. It is located immediately to the right of the TSA Security Checkpoint.
Visitors are welcome to park in the short-term parking lot. Please bring your parking stub for free parking validation.