Cell Phone Lot to Open at Corpus Christi International Airport

Convenient place to wait for Arriving Passengers

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – Visitors to Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA) will soon have a new option available when waiting on arriving passengers.  On Thursday, July 1, CCIA will open the first-ever Cell Phone Lot just north of the main Terminal and the commercial parking lot.

A Cell Phone Lot is an area designated for parking and waiting for arriving passengers.  Once passengers have landed, picked up their luggage, and made their way out to the curb, they can call or text their driver to come pick them up.

“This is Phase One of our Cell Phone Lot plan,” said Kevin Smith, Director of Aviation at CCIA.  “Our intention is to build a new, larger Cell Phone Lot in the next couple of years that will accommodate more vehicles,” said Smith.  “Customers have been asking for this and even though a long-term, a more permanent solution will come later, this will at least give visitors an option for the summer months,  which right now, look to be very busy,” said Smith.

There is little cost associated with converting this area into a Cell Phone Lot.  Once it opens on July 1, drivers who are heading toward the terminal on International Drive, will see a blue sign on the left near the parking plaza building.  When exiting the lot to pick up a waiting passenger, drivers can simply head north for a couple of hundred yards and take the U-turn back to the terminal.  If you find the Cell Phone Lot full, please keep in mind that you can park for 20 minutes free in the Short-Term parking lot. 

Stay tuned for other improvements to parking at CCIA coming this month.  By late June, CCIA will install “pay on foot” machines in baggage claim and curbside so that passengers can pay for parking before they even get in their vehicles.  This will make exiting the parking lot faster. 

For additional information members of the media can contact Kim Bridger-Hunt, Marketing Manager at CCIA at 361-289-0171 ext.1290 or kimb@cctexas.com.


