Parking Improvements Coming at Corpus Christi International Airport
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – At today’s regularly scheduled City Council meeting, Corpus Christi Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo and the City Council authorized a two-year service agreement with HUB Parking Technology USA, Inc. of Houston for the installation and upgrading of the parking equipment at Corpus Christi International Airport (CCIA). This new equipment will make parking at CCIA more convenient than ever, offering options for payment of parking fees before returning to the parking lot.
The company will install kiosks near the baggage claim and in front of the terminal. These kiosks will allow arriving travelers and visitors to pay for parking on their way out of the terminal. Once paid, their exit from the parking lot will be faster because it will not require the exchange of money or credit cards at that point. Airport staffers will also install new signs around the parking lot to better communicate with travelers who are pulling into park for travel or do business at CCIA.
The installation of the new equipment will take place in the next few weeks and will be up and running by mid-June.
CCIA continues to see an increase in traffic, marking new milestones each month. In March, 78% of CCIA’s pre-COVID traffic was back, and most of its’ pre-pandemic flights are operating again. While April numbers have not been reported yet, the forecast for summer travel is that these upward trends will continue.