City to Offer Summer 2021 Youth Basketball League

Get Your Child Back in the Game! Register Online Today!

CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – We know that you’re ready to get your children back in the game! The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is working to make this an active, fun, and safe summer for your children. It is bringing back its popular Summer 2021 Youth Basketball League.

Girls and boys ages 6 to 13 (as of June 1, 2021) are eligible to participate in this league. The eight-game season will run from June 7 through the week of July 1, 2021. Teams will play Monday through Thursday evenings at Corpus Christi Gym, 3202 Cabaniss Parkway, and Ben Garza Gym, 1815 Howard Street. 

Players will gain a complete understanding of basketball through weekly games and the importance of basketball rules, and the concept of teamwork. This league provides structure and knowledge of the sport and promotes positive attitudes and an active lifestyle.

Don’t let your child sit this summer out. REGISTER ONLINE now through May 16, 2021, for $80/person at LATE ONLINE REGISTRATION is offered from May 17–23, 2021, for $105/person. SCHOLARSHIPS for financial assistance are available for qualifying youth and are limited to 20 participants. Scholarship applications must be submitted in person at the Ben Garza Gym located at 1815 Howard Street.

The City will implement new health and safety procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Face masks are required in the gym, except while playing on the court. Players will have their temperatures taken at the door before sign-in. One sanitized ball will be provided per participant for the whole camp session, so do not bring your equipment. Hand sanitizer will be available. One spectator will be allowed per camp participant. Visit Play It Safe Covid-19 Updates for additional restrictions and safety guidelines.

For more information, contact the Athletics Office at (361) 826-3588 or (361) 826-3275 or visit (SPORTS).

Reasonable accommodations are provided upon request and in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. For assistance or to request a reasonable accommodation, please call (361) 826-3478 at least 48 hours in advance.

The Corpus Christi Parks & Recreation Department is dedicated to providing quality, affordable enrichment programs for all ages and interests. For more information about the wide variety of programs and services offered by the department, visit We invite everyone to Live. Learn. Play! 
