All-Weather Walkway and All-Way Stop now Provides Safe Route to Adkins Middle School
Safety measures implemented to keep school-bound children off the street and out of traffic
Location: Intersection of Wooldridge Road and Victoria Park Drive, Corpus Christi, TX 78414
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – The City of Corpus Christi’s Department of Public Works installed a new 1,300 linear foot asphalt all-weather walkway adjacent to the intersection of Wooldridge Road and Victoria Park Drive on March 29, 2021. An all-way stop also was installed at this location to address pedestrian safety concerns due to a lack of safe routes to Adkins Middle School raised in a report by a local news outlet on October 20, 2020. Shortly thereafter, the Department of Public Works investigated these concerns. The area of issue consists of a large underdeveloped tract of land that has no curbs, driveways, or sidewalks.
The all-way stop is one of several safety enhancements the Department of Public Works implemented in the area. The area also received a new crosswalk, stop bar , new traffic signage, and two new concrete ADA-compliant ramps which connects the all-weather walkway to the crosswalk.
These safety enhancements continue to demonstrate that the City of Corpus Christ is committed to the Vision Zero program and committed to making our community a safer place to live and play while protecting the lives of pedestrians and school-bound children. For more information on Vision Zero, you can visit