UPDATE: Pandemic Anniversary Memorial and Commemoration Ceremony
Media Advisory (Revised Media Access Instructions)

When: Saturday, March 13, at 11:15 a.m.
Where: Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds
1213 Terry Shamsie Boulevard, Robstown, Texas
Ballroom B
Who: Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo
Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales
Annette Rodriguez, Public Health Director
CORPUS CHRISTI, TX – An event will take place to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the declaration of a state of disaster in Texas and a public health emergency in Nueces County due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The gathering will feature brief remarks and a wreath-laying ceremony. Speakers will include Mayor Paulette M. Guajardo, Nueces County Judge Barbara Canales and Public Health Director Annette Rodriguez.
The city is requesting only one media representative from each outlet.
Media Vehicle Access: Traffic control measures will be in place at the fairgrounds due to the vaccination clinic taking place that day.
Media covering the ceremony and invited guests will enter the fairgrounds via Terry Shamsie Blvd. This road is normally exit-only during our clinics but will be opened from 10:30 a.m. to for the event, with law enforcement present to check vehicles and permit entrance to guests and media. You will be directed to park at a parking lot on the right at the end of Terry Shamsie Blvd. The lot is near Ballroom B, where the event is being held. Following the event, all vehicles will exit via Terry Shamsie Blvd.
For more information, media representatives can contact Communications Director DeAnna McQueen at 361-826-2940 or by email at deannam@cctexas.com.